Статья ОПТИЧЕСКИЕ СВОЙСТВА КОСТНОЙ ТКАНИ ЧЕЛЮСТИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА И ЗАМЕНИТЕЛЯ КОСТНОЙ ТКАНИ CЕРАБОН (СERABONE®) В ТЕРАГЕРЦОВОМ ДИАПАЗОНЕ А.С. НИКОГОСЯН Р.М. МАРТИРОСЯН J.SHEN H. TING М.Ю. ТУНЯН А.В. ПАПИКЯН А.А. ПАПИКЯН Известия НАН РА. Физика (Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences) 2016 с.346-356 http://www.flib.sci.am/eng/Fizika/Frame.html
Статья Dielectric Anizotropy of Human Bone in THz Range А.S. Nikoghosyan T. He J. Shen R.М. Мartirosyan M.A. Кazaryan I.N. Feofanov V.I. Sachkov ЛАЗЕРНО-ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В МЕДИЦИНЕ,БИОЛОГИИ, ГЕОЭКОЛОГИИ И ТРАНСПОРТЕ 2016 10 https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25871913
Статья Optical Properties of Human Jawbone and CERABONE® in the Terahertz Range A.S. Nikoghosyan T. He J. Shen R.M. Martirosyan M.Yu.Tunyan А.V. Papikyan А.А. Papikyan PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference on Microwave and THz Technologies, Photonics and Wireless Communications 2016 49-52 http://irphe.asj-oa.am/93/1/Proceedings-IRPhE-2016.pdf
Статья THE MODELING OF CERTAIN PROBLEMS OF SPACE BIOLOGY IN EARTH CONDITIONS G.E. Khachatryan N.V. Simonyan N.I. Mkrtchyan V.B. Arakelyan S.Sh. Tatikyan V.M. Tsakanov P.M. Antonyan S.K. Karamyan V.V. Harutyunyan Biological Journal of Armenia 2016 21-29 http://www.flib.sci.am/eng/Biology/
Статья Some Aspects of Radioecology in the Areas Adjacent to Armenian NPP Khachartyan G.E. Arakelyan V.B. Simonyan N.V. Mkrtchyan N.I. Avakyan T.M. Pyuskyulyan K.I. Genetics, Evolution and Radiation 2016 315-328 http://www.springer.com/gb/book/9783319488370
Статья Tunneling dynamics of a two-atom system A Zh Muradyan G Muradyan H Hakobyan Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2016 012013 (5) http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1742-6596
Статья Local exisitence theorem for the equations of motion of viscous liquid in Holder weight spaces Khachatryan A. G. Proceedings of the YSU A. Physical and Mathematical Sciences 2016 56-63 http://www.ysu.am/science/en/journals
Статья Interaction of 11B with 209Bi and 181Ta targets at intermediate energies. A.R.Balabekyan G.S.Karapetyan A.Deppman V.Guimaraes N.A.Demekhina Physical Review C 2016 024618-1-8 https://journals.aps.org/prc/
Статья Enhanced nonresonant light transmission through subwavelength slits in metal ANDERS PORS KHACHATUR V. NERKARARYAN KHACHIK SAHAKYAN SERGEY I. BOZHEVOLNYI Optics Letters 2016 242-245 https://www.osapublishing.org/ol/home.cfm
Статья Analytic Description of Various Ring Type Surface Plasmon Microresonators H. Haroyan Physical Bases of Instrumentation 2016 50-63 http://jfop.ru/archive_issues_en/
Образовательный Руководство Ոչ գծային ֆիզիկայի ներածություն. լաբորատոր աշխատանքների ուսումնական ձեռնարկ Լ.Ս. Ասլանյան Վ. Բ. Պախալով 2016 78
Образовательный Руководство Պինդ մարմնի ֆիզիկայի լաբորատոր աշխատանքներ մաս I Ալբերտ Կիրակոսյան Արշակ Վարդանյան Աննա Ասատրյան Արամ Մանասելյան Գառնիկ Վերմիշյան 2016 168
Статья Influence of H2TOEtPyP4 porphyrin on the stability and conductivity of bilayer lipid membranes Anahit Torosyan Valeri Arakelyan European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 2015 745-750 https://link.springer.com/journal/249
Статья On Dunkl angular momenta algebra Misha Feigin Tigran Hakobyan Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 107,22 http://www.springer.com/physics/particle+and+nuclear+physics/journal/13130
Статья Lowest-energy states in parity-transformation eigenspaces of SO(N) spin chain Tigran Hakobyan Nuclear Physics B 2015 248-258 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/05503213
Статья Runge-Lenz vector in Calogero-Coulomb problem Tigran Hakobyan Armen Nersessian Physical Review A 2015 22111 http://journals.aps.org/pra/
Статья High Gain Broadband Plasmonic Slot Nano-Antenna H. S. Haroyan V. R. Tadevosyan International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering 2015 1070-1073 https://www.waset.org/journal/Electrical
Статья Investigation of InAsSbP quantum dot mid-infrared sensors V.G. Harutyunyan K.M. Gambaryan V.M. Aroutiounian I.G. Harutyunyan Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 2015 249–253 http://www.j-sens-sens-syst.net
Статья Magnetoresistance and capacitance oscillations and hysteresis in type-II InAsSbP ellipsoidal quantum dots K.M. Gambaryan V.G. Harutyunyan V.M. Aroutiounian Y. Ai E. Ashalley Z.M. Wang Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2015 275302 (7pp) http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0022-3727;jsessionid=38695B064D0A9864CCBDED1A…
Статья InAsSbP Quantum Dot Mid-IR Photodetectors Operating at Room Temperature V.G. Harutyunyan K.M. Gambaryan V.M. Aroutiounian I.G. Harutyunyan INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY 2015 12-14 http://www.journals.elsevier.com/infrared-physics-and-technology