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Статья GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF A MAGNETIC FIELD IN SUPERCONDUCTING STRANGE STARS D.M.Sedrakian M.V.Hayrapetyan D.S.Baghdasaryan Astrophysics 2015 536-549 http://www.springer.com/astronomy/journal/10511
Статья STRANGE QUARK STARS WITH A ROTATING SUPERFLUID CORE D.M.Sedrakian M.V.Hayrapetyan D.S.Baghdasaryan Astrophysics 2015 216-232 http://www.springer.com/astronomy/journal/10511
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Статья Confined acoustic phonon-mediated spin relaxation in a twodimensional quantum dot in the presence of perpendicular magnetic field K A Vardanyan A L Vartanian A G Stepanyan A A Kirakosyan Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2015 012043 /4pp http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1742-6596
Статья Electron capture processes in quantum dots due to one‐and two‐phonon assisted transitions: The role of optical phonon confinement A L Vartanian K A Vardanyan V N Mughnetsyan A A Kirakosyan Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2015 012017/4pp http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1742-6596
Статья Effect of Phonon Confinement on Optical Phonon-Mediated Carrier Capture into CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots K.A. Vardanyan A.L. Vartanian A.A. Kirakosyan JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 2015 2779-2785 http://www.springer.com/materials/optical+%26+electronic+materials/journal/11664
Статья Effect of phonon confinement on one- and two-polar optical phonon capture processes in quantum dots K.A. Vardanyan A.L. Vartanian V.N. Mughnetsyan A.A.Kirakosyan Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 2015 268-274 http://www.journals.elsevier.com/physica-e-low-dimensional-systems-and-nanostru…
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