International Cooperation
International Relations Team
The Office of International Cooperation of YSU actively participates in the university's internationalization processes, within the framework of which university students have the opportunity to participate in many exchange programs and receive education in the best universities.
Making the internationalization of the university a strategic goal, YSU continues to develop cooperation with partner universities in different countries of the world to implement network learning.
YSU International Cooperation Office includes the Departments of International Relations, Organization of Education of Foreign Students and Grants Coordinating.
Head of YSU International Cooperation Office:
Ph.D., Professor Alexander Markarov
Phone: (+374 10) 550 612, (+374 60) 710 161
(Inner line: 11-61)
Lists of foreign language courses

Admission and Education of foreign students at YSU
Admission of foreign citizens to Yerevan State University is carried out by the "Order of admission of foreign nationals to higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia" approved by the relevant decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
The application form is here․
Deputy Head of Department: Ph.D., Associate Professor Hayk Nazaryan
Inner phone: 11-36
Ties with the Diaspora

Within the framework of YSU international cooperation, new connections were established with YSU Diaspora Armenian benefactors, friends, and graduates.
Partner universities
YSU has cooperation agreements with more than 230 universities and scientific centers of 50 countries.

Content programs
These grant programs are joint initiatives with a number of universities and organizations aimed at modernizing higher education, capacity building, and improving educational programs.
«Միջազգայնացում և միջմշակութային հաղորդակցություն» խորագրով միջազգային աշխատաժողով

«Էրազմուս+» ծրագրի շրջանակում ԵՊՀ-ում առաջին անգամ անցկացվել է «Միջազգայնացում և միջմշակութային հաղորդակցություն» խորագրով միջազգային աշխատաժողով, որի շրջանակում համալսարանում հյուրընկալվել են շուրջ 20 գործընկերներ եվրոպական երկրներից։