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- YSU Student Scientific Society
Student Scientific Society

The Student Scientific Society (SSS) of Yerevan State University is a scientific and educational institute uniting YSU students aimed at contributing to the scientific and creative development of students. For this purpose, SSS organizes conferences, seminars and lectures, publishes the articles of young researchers and scientific students in the journal "Collection of Scientific Articles of YSU SSS".
Student Scientific Society activities are regulated in accordance with the requirements of the YSU Charter (available in Armenian). The institute acts according to the SSS charter (available in Armenian), which was adopted by the YSU Academic Council in 2001. The current works are regulated pursuant to the SSS Work Order (current version was adopted in 2019).

Collection of Scientific Articles of YSU SSS 1․1 (35)

Collection of Scientific Articles of YSU SSS 1․2 (36)

Collection of Scientific Articles of YSU SSS 1․3 (33)