Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology
About Faculty

Initially, a chair of philosophy was operating at Yerevan State University, based on which a department of philosophy was opened in the faculty of history in 1964. In 1982 it was separated from the Faculty of History, and the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology was created. In 1991, sociology separated from philosophy and became an independent unit, from which the social work department was established in 1995.
In 1992, a department of psychology was opened in the faculty, and the faculty was renamed the Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology, and Psychology. The departments of sociology and social work separated from the faculty in 2004 and formed an independent faculty, and the parent faculty was renamed the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology.
The faculty operates a three-level system of full-time and part-time education: Undergraduate, Master's, and Postgraduate.
Leading specialists in the field, academicians and correspondent members of RA NAS, doctors, professors, candidates of science, and associate professors teach at the faculty. The professors of the faculty, as guest specialists, give lectures at foreign universities, undergo training at prestigious international educational and scientific institutions, and are also involved in international research programs.
Educational programmes
Latest publications
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries
Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies
Поведение подростков в социальных сетях в контексте безопасности
Dean: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences,
Associate Professor Aleksan Baghdasaryan
Faculty Office:
Tel.: (+374 60) 710 632
(Inner line: 76-32)
Email: phil_psy@ysu.am