Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics
About Faculty
The training of mathematicians at YSU started in 1924 in the physical-mathematical sub-department of the Faculty of Social Sciences, which, in 1933, became a physics-mathematics faculty. In 1959, it was split, forming the faculties of Physics and Mechanics-Mathematics.
In 1963, the specialty of mathematical cybernetics was opened in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, based on which, in 1972, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics was established. In 1988, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics was divided into two separate faculties: Mechanics and Mathematics, and in 2007, they reunited to form the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics.
The faculty offers a three-level education system: Undergraduate, Master's, and Postgraduate.
Educational programmes
Latest publications
Localization of shear waves in cubic piezoelectric structure stratified with periodically arranged metallized interfaces
A Model of the Control Problem of the Thermal Effect of a Laser Beam on a Two-Layer Biomaterial
Forced vibrations of a finite length metabeam with periodically arranged internal hinges and external supports
Affinity Assessment of DNA-Specific of Ethidium Bromide and Methylene Blue Intercalator Ligands with Poly(rA), Poly(rU), and Poly(rA)–Poly(rU) ( ОЦЕНКА СТЕПЕНИ СРОДСТВА ДНК-СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИХ ЛИГАНДОВ ИНТЕРКАЛЯТОРОВ БРОМИСТОГО ЭТИДИЯ И МЕТИЛЕНОВОГО СИНЕГО С PO
Dean: Correspondent Member of
RA NAS Arthur Sahakyan
Faculty Office:
Tel.: (+374 60) 710 366
(Inner line: 23-66)
Email: math@ysu.am