Art. 1 Purpose of the call and general regulations
This call regulates the application procedure for student and staff mobility in the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project between University of Lille, France and Yerevan State University.
Erasmus+ is the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport covering the period 2021-2027. It offers a wide range of opportunities for students and staff to study and train abroad and obtains credits which are then recognised by the sending institution.
The present Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project between University of Lille, France and Yerevan State University lasts from 2021 to 2027.
Art. 2 Mobility types and available places
Under this call for applications the following places are available for prospective candidates from Yerevan State University (Faculty of Biology):
The present call for applications provides mobility grants for the 2nd semester of 2024-2025 academic year.
Art. 3 Admission requirements
3.1 In order to apply prospective candidates must be enrolled at Yerevan State University at the moment of application and for the whole duration of the mobility.
3.2 Language proficiency
Applicants are required to be proficient in English/French at level C2 level (according to University of Lille and YSU Inter-Institutional Agreement) respectively, and to provide certifications or self-certifications of the required level.
3.3 Ineligibility
If, at any stage in the application procedure, it is established that the information provided by the applicant has been knowingly falsified, the candidate will be disqualified from the selection process.
Students who receive an Erasmus+ grant will fully or partially reimburse the EU grant if they do not comply with the terms of the grant agreement and/or if they fail to complete and submit the final online report, unless they are prevented from completing their planned activities aborad due to a case of force majeure.
Art. 4 Activities
Mobility for teaching and training:
Erasmus+ grants for teaching are awarded to HEI teaching staff for a period of teaching in a partner host university. Teaching assignments can come in various forms and take place as seminars, lectures and tutoring. Actual teaching in this context should require the teacher to be physically present with the students. Although email tutoring or any other forms of distance learning as well as preparation are highly encouraged, they do not count in the minimum number of 8 compulsory hours of teaching per week.
Erasmus+ grants for training support the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner institution.
Art. 5 Grants
5.1 Grantees will receive a grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and individual support during their mobility.
They are specified in the table below:
Students | Travel costs will be covered by the project (up to the amounts defined by the E+ programme on the basis of the distance bands. Changes will not be covered) |
5.3 The mobility period must be carried out continuously and it must not be split into different periods.
5.4 Selected candidates accepting the scholarship will sign a scholarship contract listing their duties and responsibilities. They will be required to comply with the local admission requirements and registration procedures at the Host University.
Art. 6 Admission procedure
6.1 Application
Prospective applicants should submit their required documents via e-mail to the address: ( by 25 March, 2025. Any application received after the deadline will not be accepted;
A confirmation e-mail will be sent after the application has successfully been submitted;
The official language of the application is English/French.. At the time of application diplomas, transcripts and other official documents may be submitted in original language but they must be accompanied by an English translation. At this stage non certified translations are accepted. In case applicants are selected they may have to provide certified translations of all relevant documents.
6.2 Required Documentation
Staff candidates must provide the following documents:
Copy of a valid ID card or passport;
Cover letter,
Copy of a proof of employment at the partner University (ex. certificate issued by the Home University stating he/she is Academic/Administrative staff employed at the University);
Staff Mobility Agreement signed by the applicant and by the E+ Administrative Coordinator and Academic Coordinator. Please use the doc. Template on
Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages) in English including extracurricular activities (courses, seminars, conferences, published researches etc.) and professional experience related to the fields of knowledge of the courses. Please use the European template on
pre-acceptance letter
Art. 7 Selection process
7.1 The Selection process includes the following steps:
Eligibility check by YSU IRO;
Evaluation process by YSU Selection Committee;
YSU will review the submitted applications and evaluate the technical components (eligibility requirements, full documentation, completeness and authenticity of documents attached) to identify the eligible candidates.
Only valid and eligible applications will be evaluated and ranked by YSU Selection Committee.
7.8 Appeal Procedure
Rejected applicants who feel that a mistake has been made in the process or that their application has not been fairly evaluated can file a complaint to IRO not later than 3 days, explaining their reasons.
Complaints from applicants who have failed to satisfy all of the eligibility criteria (e.g. who have not produced the required documentation, or have applied for a scholarship but do not meet the requirements, etc.), or have failed to satisfy them within the established timeframes, will not be taken into consideration.
The appeal procedure can only come into play if a candidate feels that the Selection Committee has not handled his/her own application in line with the principles and procedures described in the call. In other words, the appeal cannot concern the decision itself, but only an alleged error made in the process.
Art. 8 Data protection
Information relating to individuals (personal data) is collected and used in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on "the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data".