This call regulates the application procedure for student mobility in the framework of the ERASMUS+ INTERNATIONAL CREDIT MOBILITY PROGRAM between UNIVERSITY OF Aalen for Applied Sciences /Germany/ and YEREVAN STATE UNIVERSITY.
Under this call for applications the following places are available for prospective candidates in the field of Economics and Management, Public Administration, Mathematics and Mechanics from Yerevan State University:
_ a. Students
The present call for applications provides mobility grants for the 1st semester of 2025-2026 ⁹academic year.
Applicants are required to be proficient in German and/or English at B2 level.
3.1 In order to apply prospective candidates must be _enrolled _at _Yerevan State University at the moment of application and for the whole duration of the mobility.
3.2 Language proficiency
Applicants are required to be proficient in English at level B2 level (according to the University of Aalen and YSU Inter-Institutional Agreement) respectively, and to provide certifications or self-certifications of the required level.
3.3 In/compatibility
* The same student may participate in Erasmus+ mobility periods totaling up to 12 months maximum per each cycle of study (Bachelor or equivalent, Master or equivalent, Doctoral level), independently from the number and type of mobility activities.
Previous Erasmus+ and Erasmus Mundus experiences must be taken into account for calculation purposes;
* Selected beneficiaries will not be allowed to benefit from any other grant provided by the European Commission _for mobility for study _for the same period;
* Beneficiaries must carry out their mobility activities in a country different from the country where they have their accommodation during their studies (for students) or from the country of residence (for
* Candidates with a double nationality must specify the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.
3.4 Ineligibility
* If, at any stage in the application procedure, it is established that the information provided by the applicant has been knowingly falsified, the candidate will be disqualified from the selection process.
* Students who receive an Erasmus+ grant will fully or partially reimburse the EU grant if they do not comply with the terms of the grant agreement and/or if they fail to complete and submit the final online report, unless they are prevented from completing their planned activities abroad due to a case of force majeure.
5.1 Grantees will receive a grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and individual support during their mobility.
* Prospective applicants should submit their REQUIRED DOCUMENTS via e-mail to the address: _( by _April 1, 2025. Any application received after the deadline will not be accepted;
* A confirmation e-mail will be sent after the application has successfully been submitted;
* The official language of the application is _English._ At the time of application diplomas, transcripts and other official documents may be submitted in original language but they must be accompanied by an English translation. At this stage non certified translations are accepted. In case applicants are selected they may have to provide certified translations of all relevant documents.
Students must provide the following documents:
• Copy of a valid ID card or passport;
• Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages) in English, including extracurricular activities (courses, seminars, conferences, published research, etc.) and professional experience related to the fields of knowledge of the courses. Please use the European template on;
• Motivation letter
• Copy of the transcripts of records, indicating university grades/marks for finished and/or current cycles of study;
• Student card
• Color photo (passport size photo)
• Proposed Learning Agreement, signed by the applicant, the Erasmus+ Administrative Coordinator and Erasmus+ Academic Coordinator or Coordinator of the Student’s Study Programme of the sending institution. Please use the European doc. template on
Template on plus/resources/documents/applicants/mobility-agreement_en
* Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages) in English including extracurricular activities (courses, seminars, conferences, published researches etc.) and professional experience related to the fields of knowledge of the courses. Please use the European template on
Program Coordinator: Dr. Lia Evoyan