Russian language in Armenia: Challenges and perspectives
Russian language in Armenia: Challenges and perspectives
October 26-27, Yerevan State University will host an international conference "Russian language in Armenia: Challenges and perspectives".
The conference is dedicated to the year of the Russian language in the CIS countries and the 15th anniversary of YSU Russian Center.
The main goal of the conference is to strengthen and expand the scientific ties between leading Russian language specialists, to support the exchange of new scientific knowledge and modern scientific methodical information, as well as to contribute to the development of Russian language learning and teaching, to discuss the current theoretical and practical problems of Russian linguistics, Russian literature theory, translation, and to present traditional and innovative methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
More than 100 leading linguist researchers, Russian language specialists of universities and colleges from Armenia, Russia, Germany, China, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Poland, Belarus, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan will participate in the conference in real and remote format.
The work of the conference will be organized in several directions: