022201.01.6 - History
022201.01.6 - History
Qualification awarded:
BA in History
Programme academic year:
Mode of study:
Full time
Language of study:
1. Admission criteria/requirements
Admission to the full-time mode of study is carried out according to the "Regulation of admission to RA state and non-state higher educational institutions (according to Bachelor's and continuing and integrated educational programs)".
Admission to the part-time mode of study is carried out following the "Regulations for the part-time mode of study admission of state higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia".
For admission, it is necessary to pass exams in "Armenian History" and "Armenian Language and Literature".
Admission to the part-time mode of study is carried out following the "Regulations for the part-time mode of study admission of state higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia".
For admission, it is necessary to pass exams in "Armenian History" and "Armenian Language and Literature".
2. Programme Objectives
To prepare historians with fundamental knowledge, theoretical preparation, and the ability and skills to perform scientific research work.
3. Educational outcomes of the programme
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- To describe the natural geographical environment of Armenia and to present and clarify the problems of all historical periods of Armenian history in the context of global and regional historical processes.
- To clarify the key issues of regional and world history in general terms, and in individual cases also to list and characterize their important sources.
- To present in general lines the purpose, problems, and methods of historical sciences such as archeology, and ethnography, to illuminate the issues of primitive society, archeology, and ethnography of Armenia.
- To list, classify, and characterize the main sources of Armenian history, to present in general terms the evolution of Armenian and world historiography, and historiographical thought.
- To list and clarify national and world historiographical concepts, and existing theories about historical processes.
- To present the issues of archival work, and the theory of museology, as well as to characterize the social, legal, political, environmental, and economic factors that appeared in different periods of history.
- To analyze and interpret scientific and political questions related to different historical periods of Armenian, regional, and world history.
- In case of attempts to distort Armenian history, guessing the tendencies to give truthful clarifications and interpretations.
- To study, prepare, and present historical research papers, essays, reports, and theses, conduct debates, apply historiographical principles and methods, and observe the rules of professional ethics.
- To collect, process, and interpret historical sources to carry out analyses of historical processes, as well as freely navigate in the archives, Matenadaran, ordering and working with archival documents and manuscripts.
- To read, interpret, and translate texts written in Grabar.
- To use various sources of information (Internet resources, electronic libraries, scientific works, etc.).
- To communicate, formulate, and present oral and written logical speech in native and foreign languages.
- To perform analysis, and research using general logical and historical methods and principles.
- To orientate in emergencies and provide first aid if necessary.
- To show a creative approach when identifying the problems of the professional field and proposing solutions, as well as the ability to make decisions and learn following new situations.
- To assume personal responsibility towards the nation and the state, and to contribute to the spread of national and universal values with his activities.
4. Assessment methods
Based on the workload of the courses (educational modules) provided by the curriculum of the educational program, the form of training, teaching methods, and taking into account the degree of importance of the course in the formation of professional knowledge and abilities of the student, the courses are divided into 4 groups according to the evaluation form:
a) with the final assessment,
b) without final assessment,
c) without evaluation of mid-term exams,
d) check-ups
Accordingly, the evaluation components of the given course and the points allocated to them are chosen by the teaching professor and approved by the chair. The forms of evaluations and examinations are indicated in the specification of the given educational program, in the course summary.
At the end of the program, students submit a thesis for defense.
a) with the final assessment,
b) without final assessment,
c) without evaluation of mid-term exams,
d) check-ups
Accordingly, the evaluation components of the given course and the points allocated to them are chosen by the teaching professor and approved by the chair. The forms of evaluations and examinations are indicated in the specification of the given educational program, in the course summary.
At the end of the program, students submit a thesis for defense.
5. Graduates future career opportunities
The Bachelor's degree program in History can meet the demands of employers in local and international sectors.
Graduates of the program can get a job in the RA NAS of History, Oriental Institutes, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, and other research institutions. Graduates of this program are in demand in the National Archives of Armenia, travel agencies and museums, schools, and secondary professional educational institutions. Due to the knowledge and skills acquired within the framework of the "History" educational program, our graduates have been occupying high, leadership positions in various levels of state administration for decades (National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Office of the Commissioner of Diaspora, Ministries of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Defense, NSS, regional governors, municipalities, municipal governments), etc.
Graduates of the program can get a job in the RA NAS of History, Oriental Institutes, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, and other research institutions. Graduates of this program are in demand in the National Archives of Armenia, travel agencies and museums, schools, and secondary professional educational institutions. Due to the knowledge and skills acquired within the framework of the "History" educational program, our graduates have been occupying high, leadership positions in various levels of state administration for decades (National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Office of the Commissioner of Diaspora, Ministries of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Defense, NSS, regional governors, municipalities, municipal governments), etc.
6. Resources and forms to support learning
To facilitate the achievement of the results defined by the educational program, electronic materials (texts of lectures, descriptors, questionnaires, etc.) will be provided to students through YSU online platforms, and audio-visual materials and films will be shown in the auditoriums equipped with appropriate appliances of the faculty. The books of the university and history faculty libraries, which are replenished regularly, will also be available to the students.
7. Educational standards or programme benchmarks used for programme development
While developing the "History" Bachelor's program, the need to ensure the continuity of the unique forge of training historians in the Republic of Armenia and the development of historiographical thought was adopted as the main orientation and criterion from the point of view of Armenian national-state values, the combination of modern theoretical achievements of world historiography and the traditions of Armenian historiography. While developing the "History" Bachelor's program, similar programs of foreign universities (Great Britain, Russia) were taken into account to a certain extent.
When developing the program, the characteristics presented for the 6th level of the RA National Framework of Qualifications, the descriptors of the Bachelor's qualification "History" of the RA Qualifications Sectoral Framework, the "Management Manual for the Development of YSU Educational Programs" prepared by the YSU Quality Assurance Center, the "Educational guide for completing the program specification and course descriptors", "Development of industrial courses and educational programs: lecturer's manual" (ed.: A. Budaghyan, A. Grigoryan) and other materials were also used.
When developing the program, the characteristics presented for the 6th level of the RA National Framework of Qualifications, the descriptors of the Bachelor's qualification "History" of the RA Qualifications Sectoral Framework, the "Management Manual for the Development of YSU Educational Programs" prepared by the YSU Quality Assurance Center, the "Educational guide for completing the program specification and course descriptors", "Development of industrial courses and educational programs: lecturer's manual" (ed.: A. Budaghyan, A. Grigoryan) and other materials were also used.
8. Requirements for the academic staff
General Abilities
· Ability to clearly understand and clarify the educational outcomes, goals, and objectives of the course
· Ability to encourage and motivate student activity
· Ability to set a common goal and combine efforts to achieve it
· Ability to work individually with students
The presence of an aspiration to develop student's analytical skills, to generalize facts and realities, to evaluate phenomena, to make theoretical conclusions
· Knowledge of interdisciplinary and complex research methodology and skill in implementation
· Skill in correct selection and application of teaching, research, and study methods
· Ability to consider undergraduate students as future professionals and create a free creative atmosphere
ICT application
· basic computer skills (fluent command of MS Office package: Word, Excel, Power-Point),
Professional abilities
Knowledge of historical issues, regional processes, world political, economic, ethnocultural history, and modern ways of studying material and spiritual cultural heritage
· Knowledge of the facts and realities of the Armenian presence in the region, the ability to reveal the contribution of the Armenian ethnic element and Armenian culture to the region
General requirements
Scientific degree
· degree and/or rank in the social sciences
Pedagogical experience
· teaching experience is highly desirable
· Participation in local or international training and/or professional qualification improvement courses during the last 5 years
· Ability to clearly understand and clarify the educational outcomes, goals, and objectives of the course
· Ability to encourage and motivate student activity
· Ability to set a common goal and combine efforts to achieve it
· Ability to work individually with students
The presence of an aspiration to develop student's analytical skills, to generalize facts and realities, to evaluate phenomena, to make theoretical conclusions
· Knowledge of interdisciplinary and complex research methodology and skill in implementation
· Skill in correct selection and application of teaching, research, and study methods
· Ability to consider undergraduate students as future professionals and create a free creative atmosphere
ICT application
· basic computer skills (fluent command of MS Office package: Word, Excel, Power-Point),
Professional abilities
Knowledge of historical issues, regional processes, world political, economic, ethnocultural history, and modern ways of studying material and spiritual cultural heritage
· Knowledge of the facts and realities of the Armenian presence in the region, the ability to reveal the contribution of the Armenian ethnic element and Armenian culture to the region
General requirements
Scientific degree
· degree and/or rank in the social sciences
Pedagogical experience
· teaching experience is highly desirable
· Participation in local or international training and/or professional qualification improvement courses during the last 5 years