Procedural Law and Advocacy
Master's programme
About the program
The education is carried out with a full-time method, the duration is 3 semesters, and the tuition fee is AMD 500,000 per semester.
Granted qualification: Master of Laws.
Admission requirements
Graduates of RA state and accredited/institutional accredited non-state higher educational institutions with the qualification of Bachelor of Law or Graduated Specialist can be included in the "Procedural Law and Advocacy" Master's degree program on a competitive basis.
The aim of the program
The program aims to:
- Provide the student with deep, systematic, and comprehensive knowledge of private law, as well as judicial and extrajudicial procedures for the protection of rights,
- Teach the student to analyze and interpret the provisions of civil and civil procedural legislation, and the practice of their application, to develop students' professional abilities and skills to conduct research in the field of private law.