General information
The metabolic behavior of E. coli is particularly well studied during respiration, the basic patterns of which are based on the Mitchell’s chemiosmotic theory. Despite widely acceptance of this theory, a number of unexplained phenomena arise. Meanwhile, fermentation processes are widespread, but there are still no models of working mechanisms of enzymes and membrane proteins corresponding to each carbon source and condition. During fermentation, FOF1-ATPase, hydrogenases (Hyds) and potassium transport systems interact with each other, thus creating and maintaining the proton motive force needed for the cell. So far, the processes of fermentation of different carbon sources or their mixtures have been studied, but the effect of varying concentrations of the carbon source, especially glucose on cell metabolism and bioenergetic parameters has not been investigated. During the project the role of Hyds in energy conservation strategy will be established. Interactions between Hyds and the role of each subunit during fermentation of 2 g L-1 (low) and 8 g L-1 (high) glucose concentrations will be determined. The project will reveal new physiological phenomenon of Hyds for sensing glucose concentration and further relationship with key components of bioenergetic relevance.