General information
In the scope of program, the applicant will be hosted at the Gdansk University of Technology (Poland) under supervision of Prof. A. Bartoszek. The applicant will learn to work with LC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS chromatography system, including high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis. The system is the most effective tool for analysis of biological and chemical samples with a complex and multi-component composition. Metabolomics characterization of some prospective herbal extracts from Armenian flora will be done using this system. The applicant also will improve the skills of working with cell cultures. The program will provide an opportunity to deepen the cooperation with the host university and further jointly characterize the chemical composition of test samples, considering that the laborious part of the work mainly includes the analysis of the obtained raw data with computer-based programs. The obtained results will be important in the future in-depth research planned by the scientific group. On the other hand, it is hard to publish research data in peer reviewed journals regarding herbal extracts without proper phytochemical characterization. Therefore, the presence of a specialist performing such analyses in Armenia will open opportunities for other scientific groups as well.