In the Faculty of Chemistry of Yerevan State University, the department of pharmaceutical chemistry and the homonymous chair have been operating since 1994. In 2012, they were renamed the department of pharmacology and the chair of pharmacology. Based on those units the Institute of Pharmacy was established at YSU in 2017 with the mission of implementing educational, research, and investment (innovation) functions, the ultimate goal of which is the training of pharmaceutical specialists by international standards, and it is one of the most important prerequisites for the development of the pharmaceutical industry in the Republic of Armenia.
The YSU Institute of Pharmacy has a three-level education system: Undergraduate, Master's, and Postgraduate. The institute has created real opportunities to carry out scientific and educational activities by international standards in almost all directions of the specialty "Pharmacy".

The institute is equipped with the latest technologies and innovative methods used in the teaching process, which enables students to apply theoretical knowledge in practice fully. Thanks to the distance learning system implemented in the institute, online lectures are also organized for students with the involvement of scientists from partner universities abroad.
In the laboratories operating at the Institute of Pharmacy, scientific research is carried out on the synthesis of non-protein amino acids, peptides, and other potentially pharmacologically active compounds and their medico-biological screening, medical biotechnology, structural research, and quality assessment of medicaments, obtaining unique gallenic and new gallenic preparations based on the plant diversity of the Armenian highlands. The research is carried out within the framework of funding of both republican base-thematic and international scientific grant programs ("ISTC", "CRDF", "VolkswagenStiftung").
The YSU Institute of Pharmacy closely cooperates with leading pharmaceutical and related professional universities and research centers abroad. Among them is the Belgorod State Research University of the Russian Federation, The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, and the Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov, the University of Rostock and Weizmann in Germany, Institute of Element-Organic Compounds named after A. Nesmeyanov of the National Academy of Sciences of Russian Federation, etc. Students and post-graduate students of the institute have the opportunity to conduct research and write their graduation papers, Master's theses, and dissertations in the mentioned institutions. In the framework of cooperation, joint research is also carried out within the framework of international grant programs.
Joint educational programs established with the pharmaceutical faculties of Belgorod State Research and Russian Peoples’ Friendship Universities organize undergraduate and graduate studies, thanks to which graduates are awarded a double (two universities) diploma with the qualification of a pharmacist.
In the Institute of Pharmacy, undergraduate courses are also organized in English for foreign students.
The institute effectively cooperates with various medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacy chains, and Armenian scientific research centers, among which are RA NAS "ArmBioTech" scientific production center, RA NAS Physiology Institute, etc. In partner organizations, laboratory activities and production practices of professional subjects are conducted, and practical research for graduation papers, master's theses, and dissertations are carried out.
Renowned and leading specialists of the Republic teach at the Institute of Pharmacy, who, as guest lecturers, also give lectures at foreign universities, undergo training in prestigious international educational and scientific institutions, and are also involved in local and international research programs.
Thanks to the expanded cooperation, students have the opportunity to receive nominal scholarships and partial reimbursement of tuition fees.
Within the framework of exchange programs, students of the faculty have the opportunity to study at prestigious universities abroad.
A pharmacy model has been established at the Institute of Pharmacy to provide a more conducive learning environment. The pharmacy model makes the courses full of situational problems, giving students practical pharmacy knowledge right in the university.
Graduates of YSU Institute of Pharmacy have the opportunity to work both in Armenia and abroad in the state and private institutions operating in the pharmaceutical and related professional fields as a pharmacist, clinical pharmacologist, pharmacist-technologist, pharmacist-chemist, pharmacist-representative, expert, pharmaceutical marketer, researcher, lecturer, etc.