December 06, 2024 | 12:34
"Vacuum Currents in Curved Tubes": YSU professor’s scientific article published in prestigious international journal
A quantum theory of gravity has yet to be developed, so the impact of gravitational fields on quantum phenomena is often explored using a semi-classical approach. How, then, do gravitational fields influence quantum phenomena? To address these and other questions, Professor Aram Saharyan, Head of the Chair of Theoretical Physics named after Academician Gurgen Sahakyan at the Institute of Physics, Yerevan State University, has conducted extensive research and published a scientific article in the Scopus-indexed, Q1-rated, prestigious American journal "Physical Review D".

"The publication of scientific articles in prestigious international journals is of great importance, as it allows us to present our research to the global scientific community and contribute to the advancement and popularization of science," said Aram Saharyan, author of approximately 350 scientific articles, monographs, and problem collections, in the interview with us.
His scientific article "Vacuum Currents in Curved Tubes" was published in a prestigious international journal that covers a wide range of topics in the field.
"The research conducted at our chair focuses on studying the influence of gravitational fields on quantum phenomena. We are particularly interested in how this influence might manifest in the early universe and in the physics of superdense stars," said A. Saharyan.

As a result of the studies, it was found that the influence of the gravitational field extends beyond the vast scales of the universe. These effects can also play a significant role in the physics of condensed matter. This raises the question of how the effects of gravity might relate to small-scale physical phenomena observed in laboratory conditions. The gravitational field curves spacetime, and matter, along with other fields, exists within this curved geometry. For instance, the Sun’s gravitational field bends the light from distant stars, and this phenomenon was one of the key confirmations of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Similar effects are observed in condensed matter physics, such as when electrons in two-dimensional (2D) materials move along curved surfaces.
"Our work opens up new opportunities for studying how gravitational fields influence quantum phenomena by investigating these effects in laboratory models akin to those used in condensed matter physics (such as graphene). Quantum phenomena in strong gravitational fields play a crucial role in the cosmology of the early universe and in the physics of black holes. For example, these phenomena include the creation of particles from a vacuum and Hawking radiation from black holes. The opportunity for laboratory research into these and other novel phenomena using analog models is compelling, not only in the fields of gravitational physics and cosmology, but also in quantum physics," emphasized A. Saharyan.
The scientific group led by the professor also investigates the properties of quantum vacuum in external fields. In a vacuum state, there are no particles; however, under certain conditions, persistent vacuum currents can emerge. These currents arise due to the regulated influence of external fields on the vacuum fluctuations of quantum fields. One of the group's research directions is to study the effect of spacetime curvature (gravitational fields) on the characteristics of such currents. These currents serve as a source of magnetic fields.
"Such currents can also arise in cosmological models that include an additional spatial dimension. These models have been discussed since the early 20th century, and within their framework, gravity and electromagnetism can be unified into a single field theory. This was a dream of Albert Einstein—to construct such a unified theory. In previous works by our research group, we discussed the emergence of persistent vacuum currents in these cosmological models, which could serve as a source of cosmic magnetic fields. Currently, there is no widely accepted model that explains the existence of such fields. Therefore, by studying laboratory samples, we can draw conclusions about cosmological and astronomical models that we cannot yet observe directly," said A. Saharyan.
Expressing deep appreciation for the university’s ongoing support, the professor highlighted their collaboration with colleagues from the Frascati National Laboratory (Italy) and the University of Barcelona as part of their research.
He is currently working on the preparation and publication of three new scientific articles, aiming to further expand his scientific horizons.
Aram Saharyan's scientific project, "Phenomena with Topology, Edges, and Curvature in 2D Materials," which will be carried out over a three-year period, has received funding from the Higher Education and Science Committee of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport under the "Prospective Research Projects-2024" competition. The physicist emphasizes the importance of involving young researchers in the project, as they bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches.
"Basic science today forms the foundation for the development of technologies that directly impact our daily lives," he summarized, emphasizing the importance of involving the younger generation in this process.
Aram Saharyan has been working at Yerevan State University for nearly 40 years and has noticed that, nowadays, pursuing a career in science is becoming increasingly attractive. This change aligns with the modern scientific environment and technological advancements, which offer new opportunities to find innovative solutions to problems.