December 26, 2024 | 21:31
YSU Board of Trustees has approved 2025–2030 Strategic Development Plan and elected new director of Ijevan Branch
A session of YSU Board of Trustees was held in YSU Academic Council Session Hall, featuring 10 agenda items. During the session, the following were addressed: the evaluation of YSU rector’s performance report for the 2023-2024 academic year, the progress of the 2021-2026 Strategic Development Plan, and the approval of the new 2025-2030 YSU Strategic Development Plan. Additionally, proposed structural changes, the 2025 structure, employee list, annual budget of revenues and expenses, contracts, and a proposal to lease a part of YSU's territory were approved. The meeting also included the election of the director of YSU Ijevan Branch.

Following the approval of the agenda, YSU Rector Hovhannes Hovhannisyan presented the performance report for the 2023-2024 academic year to the Board of Trustees. In his presentation, he addressed programs aimed at advancing education, science, internationalization, communication, infrastructure, and the environment, as well as the achievements, milestones, and challenges encountered.

"The past year has been one of both challenges and significant achievements for YSU. Throughout this period, we faced a range of external and internal difficulties, yet we were able to respond effectively while staying true to the university’s values and goals. Despite the numerous external challenges and their profound impact on both society and the university, YSU adhered to its planned strategy—focusing on improving educational programs, advancing scientific research, and strengthening international collaboration. We continued modernizing our educational environment to meet contemporary demands and align with global developments," emphasized the rector of YSU.
He noted that throughout the year, YSU had achieved significant successes and tangible results across all areas of its activities, and the analysis of these outcomes would enable the university to continue the path of transformation and systemic reforms.
"As a result of the actions carried out in the reporting year and in previous years, YSU has become a more comfortable and accessible institution for the implementation of educational and research activities, both in terms of content and methodology, as well as the physical environment," stated Hovhannes Hovhannisyan.

After evaluating the presented report as satisfactory, the Board of Trustees also heard and deemed satisfactory the progress report on the implementation of YSU 2021-2026 Strategic Development Plan. Hovhannes Hovhannisyan emphasized that this document not only summarizes the results of YSU's activities but also highlights the university's ongoing development. "Compiled in November-December 2024, it covers key activities, progress, and challenges faced in the university's academic, scientific, governance, and public engagement sectors."
In the next item on the agenda, the rector of YSU presented the 2025-2030 Strategic Development Plan for approval by the Board of Trustees.
"The need for a new strategic development plan is driven by both external and internal factors that have significantly impacted the academic and scientific environment. The necessity for a new strategy also arises from the fact that the actions and programs implemented during 2020-2024, often in response to changing circumstances, fell outside the targets and priorities defined by the previous strategy, thereby creating the need for additional tools for accountability," noted Hovhannes Hovhannisyan.

He stated that YSU 2025-2030 Strategic Development Plan includes the university's mission, development vision, core values, strategic objectives, and relevant tasks and actions, as well as the principles of current management and continuous monitoring of the strategy, risk forecasting and management approaches, financial management policies, and a six-year action plan as annexes to the strategy.
YSU Board of Trustees Chair Suren Papikyan mentioned that the strategic development plan is a document that should clearly define the benchmarks and the pathways for achieving them. According to Suren Papikyan, it is also essential for YSU to have a competitive staff recruitment mechanism: "Only through competition will employees continuously improve their knowledge and skills, ensuring the growth of education quality."

YSU Board of Trustees Secretary Yeghishe Kirakosyan also stressed the need to focus on developing sectoral development strategies, while the Prosecutor General, Anna Vardapetyan, emphasized the importance of closely monitoring the implementation of the actions derived from the strategic development plan’s objectives and tasks, providing periodic reports on their progress.
After the questions and discussions, the Board of Trustees approved the new YSU Strategic Development Plan, and then also approved the proposed structural changes and the employee list for 2025. The proposed changes will result in the merging, dissolution, and creation of new departments within YSU.
Moving on to the next item on the agenda, Hovhannes Hovhannisyan presented the 2025 annual budget of revenues and expenses for approval by the Board of Trustees. According to the proposed budget, the total revenue for 2025 is expected to increase by approximately 8.2% compared to the previous year, while expenses are projected to rise by 9.4%.
During the budget discussions, Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan suggested that the policy regarding savings be changed, possibly making riskier but potentially more effective investments.

YSU Board of Trustees approved the presented item and also endorsed the proposal concerning contracts exceeding the threshold of 100 million AMD signed by YSU. Additionally, it gave its approval for the proposal related to the leasing of certain areas transferred to YSU with the right of gratuitous use, as well as the submission of a request to the State Property Management Committee at the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia.
In the final agenda item, the election of the director of YSU Ijevan Branch was held. Suren Papikyan, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, stated that one application had been received for the vacant position of director of YSU Ijevan Branch, submitted by Mher Otaryan.

Mher Otaryan, Candidate of Economic Sciences and lecturer at YSU Ijevan Branch, received his education at YSU and has been serving as the Deputy Director of the Ijevan Branch since 2021. Presenting his development plan for the Ijevan Branch, Otaryan emphasized that the branch must continue to train qualified academic and pedagogical personnel not only for the Tavush Province but for the entire republic.
In his view, the Ijevan Branch is a provincial educational center, and it is necessary to make programs more flexible and teach courses using innovative methods. "We need to develop material and technical infrastructure, boost academic mobility, and expand scientific, educational, and cultural ties with other educational institutions," Otaryan emphasized.
Mher Otaryan also pointed out the necessity of implementing a modern quality assurance control system. "Under the conditions of limited resources, the continuous improvement of the management system's efficiency is also of crucial importance."
A vote-counting committee was formed, and a closed, secret vote was held. As a result, Mher Otaryan was elected director of the YSU Ijevan Branch with 15 votes in favor and 2 against.