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REGISTER BOOK KEPT AT YSU AS THE CERTIFICATE OF FIRST DEGREE AWARD According the first register book of candidate and doctoral dissertations of YSU the first defense of candidate dissertation was held in 1938 and the doctoral dissertation defense was in 1943.
THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE. "TOPAS" MEETING AT YSU Today at the Faculty of Economics and Management of YSU was held the regular meeting of the program "TOPAS" From Theoretical-Oriented to Practical Education in Agrarian Studies".
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ANNOUNCES A COMPETITION FOR THE VACANT POSITION OF YSU RECTOR By decision of the Board of Trustees, the competition will be held on March 23.
SALE-EXHIBITION OF SYRIAN ARMENIANS UNION NGO AT YSU Syrian Armenians Union NGO organized an Sale- exhibition in the entrance hall of the 8th building of YSU today.
PRESIDENT SARKISSIAN HOSTED THE YSU TEAM WHICH PARTICIPATED TO THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGIATE PROGRAMMING CONTEST President Armen Sarkissian hosted today the members of the Yerevan State University team which participated at the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) and among them Khazhak Galstian, Hamlet Mikaelian, Levon Muradian, the coach Albert Sahakian and Dean of the YSU Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Vahram Dumanian.
“Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions”: International Conference-Workshop Dedicated to YSU 1ooth Anniversary The international conference-workshop entitled “Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions” implemented within the frames of “PRINTeL” project was held in the Session Hall of YSU Academic Council. The conference was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of YSU foundation.
Effectiveness of Active Learning: Gohar Madoyan Shares Her Knowledge With Colleagues The Assistant at the Chair of English Philology of the Faculty of European Languages and Communication of YSU Gohar Madoyan took part in the training for lecturers “Active Learning” held on November 9-18 in Leuven Catholic University (Belgium) and shared the knowledge she got there to with her colleagues.
The Lecturer Retrained in Austria to Share Knowledge With Colleagues Within the scope of “ERASMUS+ PRINTeL” tutors’ retraining course, the leader of the new technology lab of the IT Educational and Research Centre Arthur Avagyan took part in “Combined Teaching and Studies” course held in Joanneum University of Applied Studies in Graz, Austria and currently he is sharing his knowledge with colleagues.
A Training Course on “Active Learning and Ict-Enhanced Teaching: M-Learning and Gamification” A training course on “Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning and gamification” was held at the YSU faculty of Sociology starting from February 19 to March 1, 2019, by Nvard Melkonyan, participant of "Erasmus+PRINTeL" project (TOT Course at University of Barcelona).