“H. ACHARYAN’S WORKS ARE A GREAT CONTRIBUTION”: ITALIAN PROFESSOR AT YSU By the initiative of the Chair of Romance Philology of YSU Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology a meeting-lecture of Professor Giancarlo Schirru from University of Naples "L'Orientale" was held at the university.
Հայաստանի առաջին հանրապետություն․ պատմություն, արվեստ, մշակույթ Պատմության ֆակուլտետը կազմակերպել է գիտաժողով
Ապագա իրավաբանները ՀՀ Վերաքննիչ քաղաքացիական դատարանում էին Ուսանողներին տրվում է նոր հնարավորություններ
ADDITIONAL PERIOD FOR LIQUIDATION OF ACADEMIC ARREARS IN MORE THAN ONE SUBJECT WILL BE ORGANIZED FOR STUDENTS Following the instruction of the RA Minister of Education and Science made on 01.10.2018, after the two periods of liquidation of academic arrears in the second term of the academic year of 2017-2018, the students of baccalaureate and magistracy with one subject debt will get additional period for liquidation of their academic arrears.
SCHOOLCHILDREN AT YSU FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY Today the pupils of the 12th form of Vosketap village high school (Ararat province) visited YSU Faculty of Chemistry.
“VIRTUAL LABORATORY” AT YSU YSU Faculty of Physics in collaboration with “STAR-NET” network purchased the “Virtual laboratory”.
SCIENTIFIC WORKS BY YSU LECTURERS WERE PUBLISHED IN “PHYSICS OF QUANTUM RINGS” BOOK In September the influential “Springer” publishing house launched “Physics of quantum rings” book two chapters of which were written by Yerevan State University lecturers.