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June 19, 2018 | 15:10
Lecturer at the Chair of Molecular Physics, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Vladimir Morozov keeps his 11-year-old Matilda Cat in his office. The name of the cat is from the cartoon "Kid and Carlson". According to Morozov, Matilda has more knowledge in physics than some students.

Morozov tells us that for the first time he had seen the cat out of the university: "In October of 2007, a little cat was sitting on the stairs of YSU Central Building. I did not choose her, but she chose me and became a member of my family," - said the professor with enthusiasm.
Morozov as well as other lecturers of the chair take care of Matilda.
He remembers that the cat tried twice to escape, but after a long search they found her: "She runs away when the vacation starts at the university. She is a very sociable cat," - Morozov jokes.
He notes that students also like Matilda, they often come to see the cat: "I tell my students that if you have as much knowledge as Matilda has, then it's enough, and I urge my cat not to prompt during the examine."
Morozov addresses the cat with the words "my soul", "my dear", and assures that after Matilda he will not take another cat: "Matilda has always been with me, and she helps me just like everyone else," - he adds.