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February 08, 2019 | 14:19
The conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the victory of Islamic Revolution was held today at the Chair of Iranian Studies of YSu Faculty of Orientl Studies. The event was organized by the Chair of Iranian Studies and the Culture Centre of the IRI Embassy.

The Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Professor Ruben Melkonyan, Professor Gurgen Melikyan, the head of the Chair of Arabic Studies Hayk Kocharyan, lecturers, students were present at the conference.
The head of the Chair of Iranian Studies Vardan Voskanyan made the opening speech, in which he outlined the centuries-old history of Iran. “The recent 40 years were a significant period for this country, when Iran as a regional superpower, started another historical period. As a result of the programmed and implemented policy adopted since 1979, today the IRI is a superpower state in this region”.
Vardan Voskanyan drew attention to the word “Superpower” stressing that sometimes it is attached some negative connotation, passing it through the prism of Armenian outlook. “Unfortunately, our country has got limited territory and possibilities”, added Mr. Voskanyan.
“As regards Iran, we should perceive the notion of “Supepower” from the point of view of its civilization and culture. After the revolution, Iranian influence spreads throughout the region exceptionally through civilization and cultural lines”, said Vardan Voskanyan explaining that except for the eight-year war with Iraq, there is no case when the IRI spreads its influence through war mechanisms.
Mr. Voskanyan considered the Iranian model of culture propagation as a model, outlining that during his speech at the UNO, the President of Iran spoke solely about culture, at the Davos International Forum this country was represented in the person of an eminent painter, while other countries were represented by leading economists and politicians.
According to Vardan Voskanyan, today the IRI’s culture is recognizable worldwide: no international cultural event, festival or awards is held without the representative of Iran.
He also stressed the exceptionally positive attitude to Armenians attaching importance to the role of the Chair of Iranian Studies in this regard. “I am proud with the fact that our chair is one of the most recognizable Armenian structures in Iran. In many scientific, cultural establishments the first impression of Armenia is created by the Chair of Iranian Studies of YSU”.
V. Voskanyan spoke about the Armenian-Iranian relationship stressing that Armenia is the only Christian country bordering upon Iran therefore the dialogue of the two religions-the Shia Islam and the Apostolic Christianity is of high importance.
The Advisor for Culture Issues of the IRI Embassy in Armenia Seyyed Mohammad Reza Heidari came up with the speech about the 40-year achievements of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.
He touched upon the social, cultural and scientific achievements. According to the speaker, the Iranian cinematography outstands with its depth and actuality of themes. In comparison with the late 1970s, the number of Iranian students increased from 155 thousand to 4 million.
Mr. Heidari attached importance to women’s involvement in the spheres of science and culture, increase of their role after the revolution.
Among the social achievements Mr. Heidari referred to the stereotypes about patriarchal model of society reigning in Iran.
He outlined that after the revolution, when female and male schools were separated, even highly religious families started to send their daughters to school. Besides, women’s involvement in science and culture has increased, the number of women-writers has grown as well.
Mr. Heidari stressed that Iran has no military tendencies despite its great military power.
The lecturers of the Chair of Iranian Studies also made reports on the achievements of the Islamic Revolution.
The goal of the conference was to present the society the reasons of the revolution occurred in Iran 40 years ago, its aims and the further process of development and achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran declared after the victory of the Revolution.