Overall, publishing at Yerevan State University is an important part of the university's mission to promote education, research, and cultural engagement in Armenia and beyond. The university's publishing house has a long and distinguished history, and its publications continue to play an important role in advancing knowledge and promoting intellectual exchange.
The materials published by the Publishing House refer to humanities, social and natural sciences, as well as the technological field. They are published both online and in print, and the published materials are also available for free. "EBSCO", "DOAJ", "zbmath", "ErihPlus", "Sherpa Romeo", "The Linguist list", "Index Copernicus", "Mathnet.ru", "Cyberleninka", "eLibrary.ru" - these are the international authoritative databases in which YSU publications are available. 20 journals published at the university carry out their work in the "OJS" (Open Journal System) journal electronic management system. Authors post the article, and further review and most of the editorial work is carried out on the "journals.ysu.am" platform.
"Similarity Check" and "Antiplagiat" matching plagiarism detection systems are used to implement anti-plagiarism and article recall mechanisms in journals. In order to give YSU journals a new level of quality, leading specialists from Armenian universities and abroad are involved in their editorial staffs, who have been selected according to scientific metrics. The standards set for the scientific journals and books published by YSU have been reviewed, and the YSU publishing policy has been adopted.