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- Group for the Study of the Interaction of Active Compounds with Biomacromolecules
Group for the Study of the Interaction of Active Compounds with Biomacromolecules
The Group for the Study of the Interaction of Active Compounds with Biomacromolecules was founded in 2024.
The research areas of the group include:
the interaction of biologically active, including pharmacological compounds, with nucleic acids and proteins,
elucidation of the modes of interaction of biologically active compounds with biomacromolecules, determination of the thermodynamic parameters of the formed complexes,
the influence of electromagnetic waves of the millimeter range on biological systems at different levels of formation
The main scientific directions of the group are:
Studies of the interaction of biologically active compounds with biomacromolecules by spectrophotometric methods,
Studies of the study of biomacromolecules and their complexes with biologically active compounds by the UV-denaturation method,
Analysis of the binding of biologically active compounds with biomacromolecules by the Scatchard method,
Studies of the fluorescence properties of compounds of various ligands and their complexes with biomacromolecules.
The group collaborates with the following institutions:
YSU Institute of Physics
Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, YSU,
A.B. Nalbandyan Institute of Chemical Physics, NAS RA
Top 5 Publications (Scopus, Web of Science 2019-2024)
P.O. Vardevanyan, A.P. Antonyan, Z.H. Movsisyan, M.A. Parsadanyan, M.A. Shahinyan, K.R. Grigoryan, H.A. Shilajyan // Study of complexation of single-stranded poly(rA) and poly(rU) with methylene blue, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2023, V. 41, N 24, p. 15320-15327, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2023.2189475
А. П. Антонян, П. О. Вардеванян, З. О. Мовсесян // Механизм связывания метиленового синего с одноцепочечными синтетическими полинуклеотидами poly(rA) и poly(rU). Журнал Прикладной Спектроскопии, 2023, т. 90, N4, с. 547-552.
Антонян А.П., Вардеванян П.О., Микаелян М.С., Кочарян Г.Г., Погосян Г.А., Парсаданян М.А. // Абсорбционные и флуоресцентные характеристики связывания бромистого этидия с синтетическими одно- и двухцепочечными полирибонуклеотидами. Известия НАН Армении, Физика, 2024, т. 59, N 1, с. 95-103.
А. П. Антонян, П. О. Вардеванян, М. С. Микаелян, Г. А. Погосян, Г. Г. Кочарян, М. А. Парсаданян // Флуоресцентныe характеристики комплексов Hoechst 33258 с одноцепочечными и двухцепочечными полирибонуклеотидами при разных ионных силах раствора. Журнал Прикладной Спектроскопии. 2024, Т. 91, № 6, s. 862-867.
Minasbekyan, L.A., Badalyan, H.G. Physical model of the nuclear membrane permeability mechanism. Biophys Rev 15, 1195–1207 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12551-023-01136-8