Being a Yerevan State University graduate is a status and a continuous opportunity to use the university resources. The university-graduate connection contains a great potential for mutually beneficial cooperation, which requires consistent and systematic work.
The YSU Alumni Network is the format thanks to which YSU offers its graduates many opportunities for continuous involvement in the university environment, communication with the university and each other, as well as cooperation.
At the base of the network are two interconnected units: the YSU Alumni and Career Center and the management of the network formed with the involvement of graduates and their direct participation, in the form of the Executive Council and regional and professional units. Thanks to this system, YSU undertakes to implement the organizational and communication functions, while the graduates form the substantive component of the network.
YSU will annually organize an Alumni Forum for network formation and activity planning, during which the strategy and programs of the network will be developed, and the Executive Council, as well as regional and professional units, will be formed.
To establish the fund, the university will organize periodic fundraisers, fairs, cultural events, and exhibitions, the proceeds of which will be used to finance the programs.
Emphasizing transparency and accountability, the YSU Alumni Fund will present reports and publicize the progress and results of its activities on an annual basis. YSU alumni newsletter will also be used as a tool for presenting current reports, a separate section of which will be dedicated to covering the foundation's activities.