International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries
International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries
The XIII International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS-13), organized by the International Center for Advanced Studies and Physics Department of the Yerevan State University will be held in Yerevan, Armenia on 28 July - 1 August, 2025. The Symposium QTS-13 is dedicated to the memory of George Pogosyan. Professor Poghosyan was a distinguished theoretical physicist and a leading expert in the field of symmetry methods in physics. His research in mathematical physics has left a significant impact and is widely cited in the scientific community. As a co-founder of the International Center for Advanced Studies at Yerevan State University, along with Academician A. Sissakian, and as its director, he played a key role in fostering international collaborations and advancing fundamental physics. He also organized numerous international conferences, bringing together scientists from different countries to discuss modern developments in quantum theory and symmetries. The purpose of the Conference is to bring together scientists who knew Professor George Poghosyan personally and work with him, or who were influenced by his work. The QTS is one of the traditional conference series taking place each odd years and bringing together the physicists and mathematicians working on the topics of symmetry, including the geometrical methods (classical and non-commutative), groups theory, Lie and nonlinear algebras, in the framework of its possible application in modern quantum physics. The first QTS Symposium was held in Goslar in 1999 and afterwards continued in Krakow (2001), Cincinnati (2003), Varna (2005), Valladolid (2007), Lexington (2009), Prague (2011), Mexico City (2013), Yerevan (2015), Varna (2017) , Montreal (2019) and Prague (2023).
The preliminary program of the QTS-13 Symposium in Yerevan will cover the following topics:
Symmetries in String Theory, Supergravity, Quantum Gravity;
Gauge, Noncommutative, Conformal Field Theories;
Integrable Systems;
Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, Entanglement;
Foundations of Quantum Theory;
Quantum Optics, Coherent States, Wigner Functions;
Dynamical Systems;
Symmetries in Statistical Physics;
Symmetries in Condensed Matter Physics.
Symmetries in Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics.
Symmetries in Chemistry, Biology and other Sciences
Symmetries are understood in the widest sense:
Lie groups and Lie algebras, both finite- and infinite-dimensional,
Superalgebras and Supergroups,
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory,
Quantum groups,
Noncommutative generalizations,
Representation Theory,
Relativistic and Nonrelativistic Holography
Neural Networks, Deep Learning
Special Functions,
Symmetries of Linear and Nonlinear PDO.
Scientific Programme. The Programme of QTS-13 Symposium includes around 15 plenary lectures (50 + 10 minutes duration) scheduled for the five morning sessions. The contributions (30 and 20 minutes) will be presented at the afternoon sessions. We are planning to have no more than two parallel sessions. The poster sessions will be presented every day (except Wednesday, July 30) after the lunch. It is scheduled to have six working days starting on Monday, July 28, at 10 a.m. and ending on Saturday, August 1 at noon. The arrival day is Sunday, July 27 and the departure day is Sunday August 2.
For all information please contact
📩 Susanna Gaginyan: susgaginyan@ysu.am or
📩 Nelly Gharibyan: qts@ysu.am
📍 International Center for Advanced Studies, Physics Department, Yerevan State University
Alex Manoogian 1, Yerevan, 0025, Armenia