011301.03.6 - General pedagogy
011301.03.6 - Social pedagogy
Qualification awarded:
Bachelor of Pedagogy
Programme academic year:
Mode of study:
Full time
Language of study:
1. Admission criteria/requirements
Admission to the Bachelor's educational program is conducted according to the procedure for admission to state and non-state higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia (according to the Bachelor's educational program), approved by the RA Government's decision N 597 of April 26, 2012 (applicants of the 2023-2024 academic year can apply and take joint entrance exams 2 times: in January and June). Persons with secondary and secondary vocational education who successfully overcome the admission quality standard threshold can study in the program.
2. Programme Objectives
The program aims to:
· prepare qualified social pedagogues with systematic knowledge to conduct effective socio-pedagogical activities in public schools and child development, care, and support centers.
· prepare qualified social pedagogues with systematic knowledge to conduct effective socio-pedagogical activities in public schools and child development, care, and support centers.
3. Educational outcomes of the programme
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- • To present RA educational policy, legislative framework, normative and legal acts, and documents expressing the content of academic standards, curricula, and programs.
- • To interpret the conceptual approaches of social pedagogy, points of view, professional concepts, and interdisciplinary connections, which are the basis of professional activities.
- • To present the patterns and stages of children's socialization, the internal /psychological/ and external /national, universal, socio-cultural, and economic/ factors affecting this process, taking as a basis the psycho-pedagogical, age, and individual characteristics of children.
- • To present the rights and responsibilities of the child, the rules and legal norms regulating the relationship between the child and the society, the child, and the environment.
- • To interpret the basic content of the profession of a social pedagogue, the structure of professional activity, the content, and ways of cooperation with various specialists, social institutions and services, as well as public organizations, performing diagnostic, rehabilitative, educational, and preventive functions.
- • To apply the basic principles, methods, technologies, and means of social pedagogy during professional activities in different spheres (family, school, special institutions).
- • To apply the knowledge and abilities of children's healthy lifestyle, health care, and the methods and forms of organizing work with students with special educational needs in socio-pedagogical professional work.
- • To apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities and contribute to the development of professional activities with informal education.
- • To analyze and compare the cause-effect relationships and risks of the existing problems of social pedagogy.
- • To demonstrate a new approach to the components of social education, interpreting the problems of acceleration and age crises in the process of child development.
- • To use information and communication technologies, programs /Word, Excel, PowerPoint/, observing the moral and legal norms of using information sources, and the standards of academic honesty.
- • To apply various information sources /libraries /also electronic/, Internet resources, scientific articles and reports/ and ICT technologies, demonstrating the ability to use them, information literacy /search, select and process necessary information/.
- • To be oriented in information flows, demonstrating a critical and creative approach to information sources (information collection, processing, coordination, application, and skills for working with printed and electronic texts).
- • To communicate and collaborate effectively both individually and in different groups.
- • To separate the types of verbal and non-verbal communication (native and foreign language), demonstrating proper psycho-pedagogical literacy.
- • To develop professional competencies along with the educational requirements of modern society, as well as socio-economic and scientific-cultural developments.
- • To show initiative in various challenges based on national and universal values.
4. Assessment methods
Knowledge assessment is carried out according to:
· YSU order on the organization of educational process, 07.04.2022
· Procedure for preparation and evaluation of Bachelor’s thesis at Yerevan State University.
Based on the workload of the courses (educational modules) provided by the curriculum of the educational program, the form of training, teaching methods, and taking into account the importance of the course in the formation of professional knowledge and abilities of the student, the courses are divided into 4 groups according to the evaluation form:
1. with the final assessment,
2. without final assessment,
3. without evaluation of mid-term exams,
4. check-up.
A 20-point scale is used to evaluate student’s learning outcomes at YSU.
At the end of the program, a defense thesis is submitted.
· YSU order on the organization of educational process, 07.04.2022
· Procedure for preparation and evaluation of Bachelor’s thesis at Yerevan State University.
Based on the workload of the courses (educational modules) provided by the curriculum of the educational program, the form of training, teaching methods, and taking into account the importance of the course in the formation of professional knowledge and abilities of the student, the courses are divided into 4 groups according to the evaluation form:
1. with the final assessment,
2. without final assessment,
3. without evaluation of mid-term exams,
4. check-up.
A 20-point scale is used to evaluate student’s learning outcomes at YSU.
At the end of the program, a defense thesis is submitted.
5. Graduates future career opportunities
Graduates of the Undergraduate educational program, having received the qualification of a social pedagogue, can work as a social pedagogue in all public schools and Child Support and Care Centers of the Republic of Armenia.
6. Resources and forms to support learning
- professional literature on the courses of the program,
- e-lecture packages,
- slides,
- videos,
- electronic assignments with YSU learning management platform Moodle/e-learning.
- e-lecture packages,
- slides,
- videos,
- electronic assignments with YSU learning management platform Moodle/e-learning.
7. Educational standards or programme benchmarks used for programme development
The following educational standards or orientations were used when developing the professional educational program:
· Sectoral framework of RA qualifications.
· The procedure for admission to state and non-state higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia (according to the Bachelor's educational program, approved by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia N 597 of April 26, 2012).
· State education system of general education of the Republic of Armenia, approved by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 20 of May 27, 2004.
· State standard of general education, approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia (by decision N 1088 of July 28, 2011).
· Order of organization of the educational process, approved by the YSU Academic Council at session No. 8, April 7, 2022.
· Sectoral framework of RA qualifications.
· The procedure for admission to state and non-state higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia (according to the Bachelor's educational program, approved by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia N 597 of April 26, 2012).
· State education system of general education of the Republic of Armenia, approved by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 20 of May 27, 2004.
· State standard of general education, approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia (by decision N 1088 of July 28, 2011).
· Order of organization of the educational process, approved by the YSU Academic Council at session No. 8, April 7, 2022.
8. Requirements for the academic staff
The importance and necessity of the social pedagogy educational program are determined by not only demand and supply but also by the RA General Education State Curriculum adopted by the Government in 2004, where it is stipulated that all schools in RA should have the position of a social pedagogue to deal with various socio-pedagogical problems in school.
9. Additional information about the programme
· Ability to create a course curriculum,
· Methodical equipment/mastery of modern methods of teaching, assessment, and technologies/.
· Skill in carrying out general research.
· Mastery of pedagogical diagnostic functions.
· Communicative, which is necessary for the establishment of interpersonal relations and constructive interactions with the student,
· Ability to manage the audience,
· Knowledge of a foreign language (with certificate).
ICT application
· Basic computer skills (fluency in MS Office package: Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
· Ability to use modern social platforms.
· Skills to prepare and present light presentations (pptx, prezi, canva, etc.).
Other abilities
Knowledge of pedagogical ethics.
· Ability to work with children in the framework of inclusive education.
· Mastering the problems and methodological foundations of social pedagogy.
· Mastery of teaching methods of social pedagogy.
· Knowledge of innovations in the field of social pedagogy.
· Ability to carry out professional socio-pedagogical practical research/implementation of private scientific research and publication of results/.
· Mastering the mechanisms of implementing the functions of a social pedagogue: researcher, predictor, diagnostic, communicative, controlling, educational-consulting, psychotherapeutic, rehabilitative, overcoming conflicts, preventing, organizing.
· Ability to match educational outcomes to subject curriculum outcomes.
General requirements
3. Scientific degree
· Qualification /scientific degree, rank/.
· The results of the lecturer's scientific research /at least one article per year/.
· Participation in national and international conferences.
Pedagogical experience
· Pedagogical experience / at least 3 years/.
· The status in the educational process /lecturer, assistant, Associate professor, professor/.
· Participation in teacher's qualification improvement courses /within 5 years/.
Practical experience
· At least 3 years of professional experience.
Other requirements
· Implementation of the course with the Moodle program.
Mastery of distance learning technology.
· Ability to create a course curriculum,
· Methodical equipment/mastery of modern methods of teaching, assessment, and technologies/.
· Skill in carrying out general research.
· Mastery of pedagogical diagnostic functions.
· Communicative, which is necessary for the establishment of interpersonal relations and constructive interactions with the student,
· Ability to manage the audience,
· Knowledge of a foreign language (with certificate).
ICT application
· Basic computer skills (fluency in MS Office package: Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
· Ability to use modern social platforms.
· Skills to prepare and present light presentations (pptx, prezi, canva, etc.).
Other abilities
Knowledge of pedagogical ethics.
· Ability to work with children in the framework of inclusive education.
· Mastering the problems and methodological foundations of social pedagogy.
· Mastery of teaching methods of social pedagogy.
· Knowledge of innovations in the field of social pedagogy.
· Ability to carry out professional socio-pedagogical practical research/implementation of private scientific research and publication of results/.
· Mastering the mechanisms of implementing the functions of a social pedagogue: researcher, predictor, diagnostic, communicative, controlling, educational-consulting, psychotherapeutic, rehabilitative, overcoming conflicts, preventing, organizing.
· Ability to match educational outcomes to subject curriculum outcomes.
General requirements
3. Scientific degree
· Qualification /scientific degree, rank/.
· The results of the lecturer's scientific research /at least one article per year/.
· Participation in national and international conferences.
Pedagogical experience
· Pedagogical experience / at least 3 years/.
· The status in the educational process /lecturer, assistant, Associate professor, professor/.
· Participation in teacher's qualification improvement courses /within 5 years/.
Practical experience
· At least 3 years of professional experience.
Other requirements
· Implementation of the course with the Moodle program.
Mastery of distance learning technology.