Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics
Bachelor's degree programme
Program admission requirements
To be admitted to the "Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics" educational program of Yerevan State University, applicants take exams in "Physics" and "Mathematics".
The aim of the program
The educational program aims to prepare specialists who work with semiconductor electronic devices, design various integrated circuits, and are aware of the issues of modern integrated circuit technology. During their studies, students are acquainted with the problems of semiconductor materials science, nanotechnology, and nanoelectronics, get fundamental and applied knowledge about composite and nanocomposite materials, the characteristics of nanoscale systems, the nature of dimensional quantization, dimensional quantized systems, and their possible application areas.
Competitive advantages
Upon successful completion of the educational program, students will be able to:
- Present the physical processes taking place in semiconductor devices, the possibilities and perspectives of their use in electronics,
- Formulate the mechanisms of external influences applied to the semiconductor, to explain the operation of semiconductor devices, interpret the technological features of the preparation of semiconductor materials and devices, present the current state of microelectronics development, and indicate development prospects,
- Interpret the functional capabilities and principle of operation of various microelectronic integrated circuits,
- Present the physical properties, characteristics, and applications of composite and multi-component semiconductor materials.
Career opportunities
Graduates have the opportunity to work at the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the NAS of RA, the Institute of Physical Research, the Yerevan Institute of Physics, "National Instruments" and enterprises of the RA IT sector and branches of foreign enterprises of that sector.