English language, French language and Communication
Bachelor's degree programme
About the program
Admission requirements
Applicants with a diploma of secondary, primary, or secondary vocational education can apply for the "English language, French language and communication" program. The applicant should pass an entrance exam in the "Foreign language" ("French" or "English" (written)) and "Armenian language and literature" (written).
The aim of the program
The program aims to develop students' ability to combine and evaluate communication skills, theory, and practice, to prepare high-level and competitive professionals in the field of practical communication who will be fluent in French, as well as the culture of practical, intercultural, and interpersonal communication in the given language, to develop students' awareness of French-language communication in all its aspects, its components: verbal, linguistic, cognitive, etc., to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills, taking into account modern language teaching methods.
The program has been developed following the requirements of the modern labor market. The curriculum was chosen from a pragmatic point of view, emphasizing the possibility of applying the knowledge gained as a result of practice. The models of the respective Master's programs of the following foreign universities also served as program orientations: University Paul Valery Montpellier 3 ("Arts", "Literature", "Language"), University of Aix-en-Provence ("Intercultural communication: language, literature, art"), Lille University ("Applied Languages"), Franche-Comte University ("Applied Linguistics").
The Francophonie University Association (AUF), the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF), the “Erasmus+” program, and other programs that promote the mobility of professors and students, also support the study.
Career opportunities
Graduates will be able to face the market competition and secure their place in the modern labor market thanks to modern communication skills in two European languages and the use of appropriate strategies. Critical and analytical skills are also emphasized and encouraged, which are prerequisites for further work activities. Graduates have the opportunity to work in various professionally oriented institutions and enterprises, in various republican and international organizations, such as the United Nations, French Embassy, Alliance Française, etc.