English language, German language and communication
Bachelor's degree programme
About the program
The program is designed following the European Undergraduate programs, taking into account local educational factors as well.
The program provides an additional fee-based opportunity to collect 30 credits from the "Pedagogy" professional block during six semesters of study, obtaining the qualification of a German or English (optional) pedagogue.
Admission requirements
Admission is organized by the "Regulation of admission to RA state and non-state higher educational institutions (according to the bachelor's educational program)" approved by the RA Government.
Purpose of the project
The purpose of the educational program is to prepare specialists with comprehensive and systematic knowledge and abilities, to promote among students the abilities and skills of analyzing linguistic phenomena and the ability to compare and evaluate practical knowledge with variety, to provide comprehensive and competitive higher education in the field of German and English, to prepare broad-profile specialists for cross-cultural and in the field of interlingual communication and translation, to prepare specialists who will have comprehensive knowledge in the field of linguistics, which will enable them to further continue their education in the relevant field, as well as to successfully solve the specific professional problems posed in related fields, to prepare specialists who will be fully fluent in two languages (German and English) ) and will have deep linguistic knowledge, prepare pedagogues who will have the opportunity to work in public schools.
Upon completion of the program, the student will be able to highlight and interpret the linguistic peculiarities characteristic of German and English, apply the method of comparative analysis of linguistic materials with the involvement of relevant facts from foreign languages and the mother tongue, identify the linguistic peculiarities characteristic of German and English, fully implement bilingual communication in the field of specialization, professional and non-professional. to explain and interpret information and facts related to the given field to the professional community, to construct logically correct and well-argued oral and written speech in foreign and native languages.
Career opportunities
Graduates of the program can work in German-speaking and English-speaking embassies, consulates, the German Academic Exchange Service, the Goethe Institute, and the offices of German and English-speaking countries for the training of German teachers, government institutions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Matenadaran, history museums, cultural centers, publishing houses, tour companies, international organizations. , in customer service centers, public schools and various educational institutions as German or English teachers.