022801.01.6 - Oriental Studies
022801.01.6 - Arabic Studies
Qualification awarded:
BA in Oriental Studies
Programme academic year:
Mode of study:
Full time
Language of study:
1. Admission criteria/requirements
The applicant for the program must have a certificate of secondary, primary technical, or secondary vocational education.
Admission is made competitively based on the results of written exams in the history of the Armenian people and foreign language/Armenian language, following the RA Government's decision N 476 of April 7, 2022 "Admission to RA state and non-state higher educational institutions (according to bachelor's and of continuing and integrated educational programs).
Admission is made competitively based on the results of written exams in the history of the Armenian people and foreign language/Armenian language, following the RA Government's decision N 476 of April 7, 2022 "Admission to RA state and non-state higher educational institutions (according to bachelor's and of continuing and integrated educational programs).
2. Programme Objectives
· To form in the student the ability to combine and coordinate the ethnolinguistic, religious, value system, geopolitical, and socio-cultural information of the Arabic language and adjacent regions.
· To develop the ability to outline the main trends in the development of Arabic and related regions.
· To form skills of working in scientific and pedagogical fields and analyzing the results of various research.
· To prepare specialists with the skills to perform literary Arabic translation work (written and oral).
· To develop the ability to outline the main trends in the development of Arabic and related regions.
· To form skills of working in scientific and pedagogical fields and analyzing the results of various research.
· To prepare specialists with the skills to perform literary Arabic translation work (written and oral).
3. Educational outcomes of the programme
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Professional knowledge and understanding
- Բացատրել արաբալեզու տարածաշրջանին առնչվող գլոբալ և լոկալ հիմնախնդիրները
- Ներկայացնել արաբերենի հնչյունաբանական, ձևաբանական և շարահյուսական առանձնահատկությունները
- Ձևակերպել միտքն ու խոսքը արաբերեն թե՛ գրավոր, թե՛ բանավոր մակարդակներում
- Ներկայացնել արաբագիտության բնագավառի հիմնական գիտակարգերը
- Նկարագրել մերձավորարևելյան տարածաշրջանի ժամանակակից էթնիկ և լեզվական, ինչպես նաև ընդհանուր պատմամշակութային պատկերը
- Ձևակերպել արաբամուսուլմանական հումանիտար գիտելիքի (գրականություն, փիլիսոփայություն և այլն) առանձնահատկությունները
- Սահմանել մերձավորարևելյան տարածաշրջանային ինտեգրացիոն գործընթացների առանձնահատկությունները
- Բացատրել իսլամի՝ որպես կրոնական արժեհամակարգի առանձնահատկությունները
- Practical professional skills
- Տարբերակել և տարանջատել ժամանակակից արաբերենի գրական և խոսակցական տարբերակները գրավոր և բանավոր մակարդակներում
- Արաբերենով պատրաստել զեկույցներ, ելույթներ, վարել մասնագիտական բանավեճեր, լուսաբանել Հայաստանի պատմամշակութային ժառանգությունը
- Լուսաբանել արաբամուսուլմանական տարածագոտու զարգացման պատմական առանձնահատկությունները
- Լուսաբանել իսլամական արժեհամակարգի առանձնահատկությունները և դրանց ազդեցությունը մուսուլմանական ինքնության ձևավորման վրա
- Ծավալել ինքնուրույն մասնագիտական (թարգմանչական) գործունեություն
- Կիրառել ժամանակակից տեղեկատվական տեխնոլոգիաները արաբագիտության տարբեր ոլորտներում
- Վերլուծել արաբական միջնադարյան և ժամանակակից գրական ստեղծագործություններ
- General (transferable) competences
- Մայրենի և որևէ օտար լեզվով կառուցել տրամաբանորեն ճիշտ, փաստարկված և հստակ բանավոր և գրավոր խոսք
- Ընդհանրացնել տարբեր աղբյուրներից հայթայթած տեղեկատվությունը և վերլուծել
- Պատրաստել զեկույցներ, ներկայացնել հետազոտական աշխատանքների արդյունքները, վարել գիտական բանավեճեր
- Վերլուծել մասնագիտական տեքստեր և անել եզրահանգումներ՝ դրսևորելով քննադատական մտածողություն
- Կատարել թիմային աշխատանք և պահպանել մասնագիտական էթիկայի նորմերը
4. Assessment methods
1. The assessment includes the following components:
● assessment of mastery of subsections of the course (educational module) during the semester (2 mid-term exams),
● check-ups of individual topics of the course (educational module) during the semester,
● verification and assessment of the implementation and assimilation of independent tasks provided by the program during the semester (independent work),
● evaluation of independent and/or group research work planned by the program during the semester (research work that replaces any of the mid-term exams);
● assessment of participation in the course,
● final assessment of the entire course or educational module in the examination period, which implies an assessment of the level of achievement of the educational outcomes defined for the course or educational module.
2. Based on the workload of the courses (educational modules) provided by the curriculum of the educational program, mode of study, teaching methods, and taking into account the importance of the course in the formation of the student's professional knowledge and abilities, the courses are divided into 4 groups according to the evaluation form:
● with the final assessment,
● without final assessment,
● without assessment of mid-term exams,
● check-ups.
3. The 20-point scale is used to assess the student's study results at YSU.
The minimum positive rating threshold is set at 10 points.
● assessment of mastery of subsections of the course (educational module) during the semester (2 mid-term exams),
● check-ups of individual topics of the course (educational module) during the semester,
● verification and assessment of the implementation and assimilation of independent tasks provided by the program during the semester (independent work),
● evaluation of independent and/or group research work planned by the program during the semester (research work that replaces any of the mid-term exams);
● assessment of participation in the course,
● final assessment of the entire course or educational module in the examination period, which implies an assessment of the level of achievement of the educational outcomes defined for the course or educational module.
2. Based on the workload of the courses (educational modules) provided by the curriculum of the educational program, mode of study, teaching methods, and taking into account the importance of the course in the formation of the student's professional knowledge and abilities, the courses are divided into 4 groups according to the evaluation form:
● with the final assessment,
● without final assessment,
● without assessment of mid-term exams,
● check-ups.
3. The 20-point scale is used to assess the student's study results at YSU.
The minimum positive rating threshold is set at 10 points.
5. Graduates future career opportunities
Graduates of the "Arabic Studies" program can get jobs in government and non-government organizations operating in the fields of political science, economics, culture, and translation, in particular, in the information-analytical and external relations departments of state bodies, embassies of Arab countries in Armenia, and Armenian and foreign departments of international public structures. , projects of foreign public and economic organizations in Arab countries, occupying the following positions:
Consulting companies.
● consultant on strategies for the development of the sector
● translator
Scientific research institutes.
● junior researcher
State bodies.
● junior specialists
Possible workplaces are the YSU Faculty of Oriental Studies, YSU Center for Political and Cultural Studies, Institutes of Oriental Studies and History of RA NAS, high and secondary schools, organizations operating in RA and Arab countries, RA state agencies (Office of the President, Migration and Citizenship of Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Defense, etc., RA National Security Service).
Graduates of the program can continue their studies in the Master's program of YSU Faculty of Oriental Studies, or other higher professional institutions implementing programs in other related specialties.
Consulting companies.
● consultant on strategies for the development of the sector
● translator
Scientific research institutes.
● junior researcher
State bodies.
● junior specialists
Possible workplaces are the YSU Faculty of Oriental Studies, YSU Center for Political and Cultural Studies, Institutes of Oriental Studies and History of RA NAS, high and secondary schools, organizations operating in RA and Arab countries, RA state agencies (Office of the President, Migration and Citizenship of Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Defense, etc., RA National Security Service).
Graduates of the program can continue their studies in the Master's program of YSU Faculty of Oriental Studies, or other higher professional institutions implementing programs in other related specialties.
6. Resources and forms to support learning
The following auxiliary resources are used in the learning process:
· library, electronic resources,
· online lectures and seminars (webinars),
· state-of-the-art equipment and software-enabled classrooms
· library, electronic resources,
· online lectures and seminars (webinars),
· state-of-the-art equipment and software-enabled classrooms
7. Educational standards or programme benchmarks used for programme development
● The structure and content of the YSU Undergraduate educational program (Guidebook), Yerevan. 2023
● Guidelines for the use of the RA national framework of higher education loans, Yerevan, 2017
● Budaghyan A., Grigoryan A., Effective development of courses and educational programs. Handbook for lecturers, Yerevan 2017
● Budaghyan A., Karabekyan S., Construction and implementation of educational programs aimed at the formation of competencies. Methodical guide. National Center for Strategic Studies of Higher Education, Timetoprint, Yerevan, 2010
● Guide for completing the educational program specification and course descriptors, YSU, Quality Center, Yerevan, 2016
● The structure and content of the YSU Undergraduate educational program (Guidebook), Yerevan. 2023
● Guidelines for the use of the RA national framework of higher education loans, Yerevan, 2017
● Budaghyan A., Grigoryan A., Effective development of courses and educational programs. Handbook for lecturers, Yerevan 2017
● Budaghyan A., Karabekyan S., Construction and implementation of educational programs aimed at the formation of competencies. Methodical guide. National Center for Strategic Studies of Higher Education, Timetoprint, Yerevan, 2010
● Guide for completing the educational program specification and course descriptors, YSU, Quality Center, Yerevan, 2016
8. Requirements for the academic staff
1. General Abilities
● Ability to create a coursework program (for language groups: a calendar plan),
● Knowledge of interactive teaching methods, and ability to use active learning techniques.
● Ability to work with various scientific sources, as well as to use Internet information resources,
● Ability to lead a research group.
● Ability to communicate with the audience,
● Ability to present research results in writing,
● Knowledge of a foreign language (at least B2 level of English).
ICT application
● Basic computer skills (free command of MS Office package),
● Ability to use modern social platforms,
● Skills to prepare and present light shows.
Other abilities
● Knowledge of professional ethics and legal norms regulating public relations,
● Teamwork ability.
Professional abilities
● Ability to analyze modern methods and models of the study of humanitarian thought,
● The ability to research the methodological foundations, concepts, and global and local issues related to the region of Arabic studies as a science that organically combines the research approaches of a number of humanitarian disciplines.
● Knowledge of the main scientific systems and scientific paradigms that make up the fields of Oriental Studies and Arabic Studies,
● Ability to analyze the general historical and cultural, ethnic and sociolinguistic historical and contemporary picture of the region,
● Ability to research modern methodological approaches to the interdisciplinary study of the Arab-Muslim cultural area and highlight the features of regional integration processes,
● Knowledge of phonetic, morphological, and syntactic features of the Arabic language (for lecturers in language courses),
● Ability to translate Arabic simultaneously and/or sequentially (for lecturers in language courses).
2. General requirements
Academic degree
● A degree and/or title in the field of social studies (especially Arabic studies), or, in some cases, a Master's degree in a given or related field,
● Publication of at least 3 scientific articles in peer-reviewed periodical and/or methodological publications in the last 5 years,
● Participation in at least 3 conferences/workshops in the last 5 years
● Knowledge of at least C1 level to teach Arabic and regional Arabic dialects.
Pedagogical experience
● At least 3 years of experience in teaching professional courses and/or conducting training,
● during the last 5 years, participation in local and/or international training and/or professional qualification improvement courses.
Practical experience
● At least 3 years of work experience in professional or related fields.
Other requirements
● Teaching portfolio: availability of online materials for at least 50% of taught subjects,
Student survey-grade point average of at least 4.0 (for current faculty).
● Ability to create a coursework program (for language groups: a calendar plan),
● Knowledge of interactive teaching methods, and ability to use active learning techniques.
● Ability to work with various scientific sources, as well as to use Internet information resources,
● Ability to lead a research group.
● Ability to communicate with the audience,
● Ability to present research results in writing,
● Knowledge of a foreign language (at least B2 level of English).
ICT application
● Basic computer skills (free command of MS Office package),
● Ability to use modern social platforms,
● Skills to prepare and present light shows.
Other abilities
● Knowledge of professional ethics and legal norms regulating public relations,
● Teamwork ability.
Professional abilities
● Ability to analyze modern methods and models of the study of humanitarian thought,
● The ability to research the methodological foundations, concepts, and global and local issues related to the region of Arabic studies as a science that organically combines the research approaches of a number of humanitarian disciplines.
● Knowledge of the main scientific systems and scientific paradigms that make up the fields of Oriental Studies and Arabic Studies,
● Ability to analyze the general historical and cultural, ethnic and sociolinguistic historical and contemporary picture of the region,
● Ability to research modern methodological approaches to the interdisciplinary study of the Arab-Muslim cultural area and highlight the features of regional integration processes,
● Knowledge of phonetic, morphological, and syntactic features of the Arabic language (for lecturers in language courses),
● Ability to translate Arabic simultaneously and/or sequentially (for lecturers in language courses).
2. General requirements
Academic degree
● A degree and/or title in the field of social studies (especially Arabic studies), or, in some cases, a Master's degree in a given or related field,
● Publication of at least 3 scientific articles in peer-reviewed periodical and/or methodological publications in the last 5 years,
● Participation in at least 3 conferences/workshops in the last 5 years
● Knowledge of at least C1 level to teach Arabic and regional Arabic dialects.
Pedagogical experience
● At least 3 years of experience in teaching professional courses and/or conducting training,
● during the last 5 years, participation in local and/or international training and/or professional qualification improvement courses.
Practical experience
● At least 3 years of work experience in professional or related fields.
Other requirements
● Teaching portfolio: availability of online materials for at least 50% of taught subjects,
Student survey-grade point average of at least 4.0 (for current faculty).
9. Additional information about the programme
It should be noted that the program specification provides a brief description of the main characteristics of the program and the educational outcomes that the average student is expected to achieve if he or she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities offered by the program. Additional information about the program can be found in the YSU Credit System study guide and course guidebook.
During their studies, students of the "Arabic Studies" educational program have the opportunity to undergo language training at the leading universities of Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, and Jordan during the academic year.
During their studies, students of the "Arabic Studies" educational program have the opportunity to undergo language training at the leading universities of Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, and Jordan during the academic year.