101501.03.6 - ---
101501.03.6 - ---
Qualification awarded:
Bachelor of Tourism
Programme academic year:
Mode of study:
Full time
Language of study:
1. Admission criteria/requirements
The applicant for the program must have a certificate of secondary, primary vocational, or secondary vocational education.
Admission is carried out according to the "Regulation of admission to state and non-state higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia (according to Bachelor's and continuous and integrated educational programs)" approved by the Government of Armenia.
Admission is carried out according to the "Regulation of admission to state and non-state higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia (according to Bachelor's and continuous and integrated educational programs)" approved by the Government of Armenia.
2. Programme Objectives
The program aims to:
· train specialists with fundamental knowledge and skills in religious tourism,
· to teach how to organize and implement trips, and tours within the framework of religious tourism, presenting the rich Armenian religious and cultural heritage,
· to teach to apply religious and theological knowledge in tourism, and propose the most fundamental directions of tourism development.
· train specialists with fundamental knowledge and skills in religious tourism,
· to teach how to organize and implement trips, and tours within the framework of religious tourism, presenting the rich Armenian religious and cultural heritage,
· to teach to apply religious and theological knowledge in tourism, and propose the most fundamental directions of tourism development.
3. Educational outcomes of the programme
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Professional knowledge and understanding
- ներկայացնել կրոնական զբոսաշրջության ներկա վիճակը, համաշխարհային փորձը, զարգացման հիմնական միտումները,
- հիմնավորել ՀՀ-ում կրոնական զբոսաշրջության զարգացման անհրաժեշտությունը
- դասակարգել հայոց հեթանոսական կրոնամշակութային ժառանգությունը, հուշարձանները, կոթողները, առասպելներն ու ավանդությունները
- ներկայացնել հայ քրիստոնեական մշակույթը, Հայ Առաքելական Եկեղեցու պատմությունը, տոները, ծեսերը, բանավոր և գրավոր ժառանգությունը, ավանդությունները, ճարտարապետությունը, խաչքարային արվեստը, եկեղեցական երաժշտությունը
- նկարագրել ներգնա և արտագնա զբոսաշրջության երթուղիները
- լուսաբանել Հայոց եկեղեցու մշակութային փոխառնչություններն այլ եկեղեցիների և կրոնների հետ
- ձևակերպել կրոնական զբոսաշրջությանն առնչվող արդիական հիմնախնդիրները և առաջարկել դրանց լուծման հնարավոր ուղիներ
- Practical professional skills
- կիրառել կրոնագիտական, աստվածաբանական, պատմագիտական, եկեղեցագիտական և մշակութաբանական սկզբունքները մասնագիտական հիմնախնդիրներ լուծելիս,
- իրականացնել զբոսաշրջային երթուղիների նախագծման և կազմակերպման աշխատանքներ՝ տեսական և գործնական գիտելիքների համադրմամբ
- իրականացնել զբոսավարական գործունեություն՝ օգտվելով տեղեկատվական զանազան աղբյուրներից և ցուցաբերելով կազմակերպչական հմտություններ
- հավաքագրել և մշակել մասնագիտական ոլորտին առնչվող քանակական և որակական տվյալներ, վերլուծելու և մեկնաբանելու դրանք
- գնահատել զբոսաշրջության զարգացման գործում կրոնական արժեքների, Հայ եկեղեցու պատմության, հայ արվեստի և մշակույթի դերն ու նշանակությունը
- տարբերակել հայաստանյան կրոնական կենտրոնները, սրբատեղիները, ազգային-եկեղեցական արժեքները, ավանդությունները, սովորույթները, հայ ժողովրդի կրոնամշակութային առանձնահատկությունները
- General (transferable) competences
- օգտվել կրոնական զբոսաշրջությանն առնչվող տեղեկատվական տարբեր աղբյուրներից (ինտերնետ ռեսուրսներ, էլեկտրոնային գրադարաններ, գիտական հոդվածներ և հաշվետվություններ)
- ցուցաբերել անձնական պատասխանատվություն ազգի և պետության հանդեպ, հետամուտ լինելու ժողովրդավարական սկզբունքների իրագործմանը, ազգային և համամարդկայյինարժեքների տարածմանը
- հմտորեն հաղորդակցվել մայրենի և օտար լեզուներով, ձևակերպել և ներկայացնել բանավոր և գրավոր հստակ խոսք
- պահպանել մասնագիտական էթիկայի նորմերը և աշխատանքային անվտանգության կանոնները
4. Assessment methods
YSU has a multi-factor system of periodic verification and assessment of students' knowledge.
The assessment includes the following components:
- evaluation of mastery of subsections of the course (academic module) during the semester (2 mid-term exams),
- mid-term check-ups of individual topics of the course (academic module) during the semester,
- verification and evaluation of the implementation and assimilation of independent tasks provided by the program during the semester (independent work),
- for a course with a research component, evaluation of independent and/or group research planned by the program during the semester (research that replaces any of the mid-term exams),
- assessment of participation in the course,
- final assessment of the entire course (academic module) in the examination period, which implies assessing the level of achievement of educational outcomes defined for the course.
Based on the workload of the courses (academic modules) provided by the curriculum of the educational program, the form of training, teaching methods, and taking into account the importance of the course in the formation of professional knowledge and abilities of the student, the courses are divided into 4 groups according to the evaluation form:
1. with the final assessment,
2. without final assessment,
3. without evaluation of mid-term exams,
4. check-up.
A 20-point scale is used to evaluate student learning outcomes at YSU.
The minimum positive rating threshold is 10 points. The rating scale is presented below.
Based on the teaching and learning methods of the course and the nature of the expected educational outcomes, the teaching professor chooses the course evaluation components and their assigned points and the Chair approves them (expressed as percentages). The forms of conducting assessments and examinations are indicated in the specification of the given educational program, in the course summary.
The assessment includes the following components:
- evaluation of mastery of subsections of the course (academic module) during the semester (2 mid-term exams),
- mid-term check-ups of individual topics of the course (academic module) during the semester,
- verification and evaluation of the implementation and assimilation of independent tasks provided by the program during the semester (independent work),
- for a course with a research component, evaluation of independent and/or group research planned by the program during the semester (research that replaces any of the mid-term exams),
- assessment of participation in the course,
- final assessment of the entire course (academic module) in the examination period, which implies assessing the level of achievement of educational outcomes defined for the course.
Based on the workload of the courses (academic modules) provided by the curriculum of the educational program, the form of training, teaching methods, and taking into account the importance of the course in the formation of professional knowledge and abilities of the student, the courses are divided into 4 groups according to the evaluation form:
1. with the final assessment,
2. without final assessment,
3. without evaluation of mid-term exams,
4. check-up.
A 20-point scale is used to evaluate student learning outcomes at YSU.
The minimum positive rating threshold is 10 points. The rating scale is presented below.
Based on the teaching and learning methods of the course and the nature of the expected educational outcomes, the teaching professor chooses the course evaluation components and their assigned points and the Chair approves them (expressed as percentages). The forms of conducting assessments and examinations are indicated in the specification of the given educational program, in the course summary.
5. Graduates future career opportunities
Graduates of the "Religious Tourism" Bachelor's educational program can work:
· in tourist agencies operating in the Republic,
· In institutions subordinate to the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, in particular, museums, libraries, scientific and educational centers, as well as the RA Civil Aviation Committee, etc.
· In service sector institutions,
· At the RA Ministry of Economy, RA Tourism Committee.
· in tourist agencies operating in the Republic,
· In institutions subordinate to the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, in particular, museums, libraries, scientific and educational centers, as well as the RA Civil Aviation Committee, etc.
· In service sector institutions,
· At the RA Ministry of Economy, RA Tourism Committee.
6. Resources and forms to support learning
The following auxiliary resources are used in the learning process:
· auditoriums equipped with modern appliances,
· A rich library "Atshemian" equipped with the modern professional literature, as well as materials of the Chair of History and Ecclesiology of the Armenian Church,
· Rich electronic, web, and audio resources.
· auditoriums equipped with modern appliances,
· A rich library "Atshemian" equipped with the modern professional literature, as well as materials of the Chair of History and Ecclesiology of the Armenian Church,
· Rich electronic, web, and audio resources.
7. Educational standards or programme benchmarks used for programme development
· Educational standard
· State academic standards in the "Religious tourism" speciality,
· Program orientations
· "Tourism" educational program of the Faculty of Economics, Ijevan branch of Yerevan State University,
· "Service" educational program of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Service of Brusov State University,
· "Service" (tourism) educational program of European University.
· State academic standards in the "Religious tourism" speciality,
· Program orientations
· "Tourism" educational program of the Faculty of Economics, Ijevan branch of Yerevan State University,
· "Service" educational program of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Service of Brusov State University,
· "Service" (tourism) educational program of European University.
8. Requirements for the academic staff
1. General Abilities
· full mastery of professional-pedagogical knowledge and skills (according to the approved subject program), simple and understandable presentation of the material, use of innovative and interactive methods in the teaching process,
· ability to communicate with students, development of professional skills, analytical thinking, and independence,
· skills to develop subject plans, additional supporting materials, and responsibility for their implementation according to the schedule of the educational process.
· Skills to perform research in "Religious tourism" and related fields (printed articles, reports at international conferences, grants),
· knowledge of research methods, collection and analysis of information on scientific innovations, prediction of the result and relevance of research work, use of the obtained results in the educational process, involvement of students in scientific research works,
· Ability to manage Master's theses, student scientific works, and dissertations in "Religious Tourism" and related professional fields.
· excellent knowledge of Armenian, clear spoken and written language, mastery of at least one foreign language (corresponding to the A2 or B1 level of English),
· mastery of communication skills, application of interpersonal communication methods,
· ability to work in a team, make decisions, knowledge necessary to develop projects, and programs, ability to make appropriate decisions in different communication situations.
ICT application
· Ability to use various sources of information related to the field of "Religious Tourism" (Internet, electronic libraries, scientific articles), ability to apply them in scientific work, courses,
· Comprehensive use of ICTs to conduct scientific research and acquire new knowledge.
Other abilities
· the ability to estimate the necessary resources and implement projects effectively,
· ability to plan and manage time.
3. Professional Abilities
· awareness of the current issues of "Religious tourism", achievements, newest approaches, programs implemented in the fields of tourism and education,
· cooperation with teaching staff of "Religious Tourism" and related professional departments of foreign universities (joint scientific articles, training manuals, textbooks),
· Development of new ideas, ideas in the field of "Religious tourism" to carry out and invest in research works, as well as in the direction of establishing new collaborations,
· knowledge of the methods used in the field of professional activity, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, and interpret the collected information,
· observing the rules and conditions of working in the field of tourism and informing students.
4. General requirements
Academic degree
· a degree in history or related fields, or in the absence of teaching experience, at least 3 years of work experience in that field.
· Pedagogical experience
· at least 2 years of pedagogical experience (teaching or practical works during postgraduate studies) or at least 3 years of passive practical activity,
· participation in local or international training and/or professional qualification improvement courses during the last 5 years.
Practical experience
· at least 3 years of practical work experience in the field of tourism, research institutes and centers, and educational institutions.
· full mastery of professional-pedagogical knowledge and skills (according to the approved subject program), simple and understandable presentation of the material, use of innovative and interactive methods in the teaching process,
· ability to communicate with students, development of professional skills, analytical thinking, and independence,
· skills to develop subject plans, additional supporting materials, and responsibility for their implementation according to the schedule of the educational process.
· Skills to perform research in "Religious tourism" and related fields (printed articles, reports at international conferences, grants),
· knowledge of research methods, collection and analysis of information on scientific innovations, prediction of the result and relevance of research work, use of the obtained results in the educational process, involvement of students in scientific research works,
· Ability to manage Master's theses, student scientific works, and dissertations in "Religious Tourism" and related professional fields.
· excellent knowledge of Armenian, clear spoken and written language, mastery of at least one foreign language (corresponding to the A2 or B1 level of English),
· mastery of communication skills, application of interpersonal communication methods,
· ability to work in a team, make decisions, knowledge necessary to develop projects, and programs, ability to make appropriate decisions in different communication situations.
ICT application
· Ability to use various sources of information related to the field of "Religious Tourism" (Internet, electronic libraries, scientific articles), ability to apply them in scientific work, courses,
· Comprehensive use of ICTs to conduct scientific research and acquire new knowledge.
Other abilities
· the ability to estimate the necessary resources and implement projects effectively,
· ability to plan and manage time.
3. Professional Abilities
· awareness of the current issues of "Religious tourism", achievements, newest approaches, programs implemented in the fields of tourism and education,
· cooperation with teaching staff of "Religious Tourism" and related professional departments of foreign universities (joint scientific articles, training manuals, textbooks),
· Development of new ideas, ideas in the field of "Religious tourism" to carry out and invest in research works, as well as in the direction of establishing new collaborations,
· knowledge of the methods used in the field of professional activity, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, and interpret the collected information,
· observing the rules and conditions of working in the field of tourism and informing students.
4. General requirements
Academic degree
· a degree in history or related fields, or in the absence of teaching experience, at least 3 years of work experience in that field.
· Pedagogical experience
· at least 2 years of pedagogical experience (teaching or practical works during postgraduate studies) or at least 3 years of passive practical activity,
· participation in local or international training and/or professional qualification improvement courses during the last 5 years.
Practical experience
· at least 3 years of practical work experience in the field of tourism, research institutes and centers, and educational institutions.
9. Additional information about the programme
It should be noted that the program specification provides a brief description of the main characteristics of the program and the educational outcomes that the student is expected to achieve if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities provided by the program.