The Russian Language and Literature
Master's programme
About the program
Admission requirements
Admission is carried out in accordance with Yerevan State University Master's Degree admission regulations.
Within the framework of the same major, admission is held without exams, and the applicants with related majors take an exam with the questionnaire intended for the relevant Bachelor’s graduates.
The aim of the program
The program aims to provide students with deep and fundamental knowledge of theoretical and methodological issues related to the history of the Russian language and Russian literature, to cover the views of the main scientific schools on various linguistic and literary problems, to apply interdisciplinary knowledge in the scientific fields of the Russian language, the history of Russian literature, as well as related philology.
The package of subjects offered by the two chairs implementing the Master's program (the Chairs of Russian Literature and Russian Linguistics, and Typology and Theory of communication), is significantly different from the Master's programs of partner chairs of other RA universities, which is due to the characteristics of the faculties and chairs of those universities.
Career opportunities
Graduates of the "Russian Language and Literature" program work in higher and secondary vocational educational institutions as lecturers of Russian language and Russian literature, in scientific centers and foundations, information agencies, publishing houses and editorial offices, and international organizations where knowledge of Armenian and Russian is necessary. There are large career opportunities in advertising agencies, museums, and public and private enterprises as well.
Graduates of the program can continue their studies in Postgraduate studies at any university or apply as Ph.D. students in the preferred department.