Bachelor's degree programme
About the program
Admission requirements
The "Jurisprudence" educational program applicant must have a secondary or vocational (primary, middle, higher) education.
Admission is carried out according to the "Regulation of Admission to State and Non-State Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Armenia" approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Applicants take exams in the following general education subjects:
history of the Armenian people (written) - mandatory
Armenian language and literature (written) or foreign language (written)
The educational program aims to train specialists who are oriented to work in the legislative, executive, judiciary, and private sectors, who have theoretical and practical fundamental training in jurisprudence, to form legal experts who can interpret the norms of RA legislation, to perform legal consultation, legal assistance, and representation functions. , to prepare specialists with practical abilities in legal writing, legal specialists who can navigate the structure and jurisdiction of law enforcement and state bodies.