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- Faculty of Biology
- Chair of Ecology and Nature Conservation
Chair of Ecology and Nature Conservation
Academician G. S. Davtyan founded the chair of Ecology and Nature Conservation in 1983. It was formed based on the Chair of Agro Chemistry and Soil Science operated since 1957 at the Faculty of Biology of YSU.
Such well-known specialists as A. Sh. Galstyan, L. G. Yesayan, J. H. Melik-Khachatryan, K. V. Grigoryan, and others used to teach at the Chair at different times.
Work is being carried out in the Chair to ensure that education quality is aligned with modern requirements of teaching and research activities and training young specialists. Constantly updated educational programs meet the modern requirements of the educational system and the labor market. Currently, the professors of the chair teach professional courses in various educational programs of the Faculty of Biology, as well as the mandatory course "Fundamentals of Ecology and Environmental Protection" in most YSU faculties, using modern distance teaching technologies.
The scientific research activities carried out in the chair are aimed at the study of modern ecological problems of the Republic of Armenia (soil salinization, soil contamination with heavy metals, pollution of water ecosystems, etc.). The chair cooperates with various universities of the republic, research institutes, the RA government agencies, international organizations, as well as leading foreign scientific organizations.
The department implements the "Ecology and Bioresources Management" Master's program.
Associate professor
Associate professor
Lecturer on an hourly basis