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- Faculty of Biology
- Chair of Genetics and Cytology
Chair of Genetics and Cytology
The Chair of Genetics and Cytology (formerly Darwinism and Genetics) was founded in 1948. The first head of the Chair was Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR G. H. Babajanyan. For more than 30 years, the chair was headed by Professor H. G. Batikyan, who also was the rector of YSU from 1963-1966. Then the head of the chair was Professor N. P. Beglaryan. During the formation of the chair, the lecturers of science and technology made a significant contribution to the development of educational and scientific research works. D. P. Cholakhyan, Ph.D. J. S. Yeghiazaryan, Ph.D. M. G. Hovhannisyan, Ph.D. E. G. Mughnetsyan, Ph.D. S. S. Zaminyan, Ph.D. E. H. Simonyan, Ph.D. S. A. Soghomonyan, and others.
Since its establishment, the Chair has been developing the main directions of classical genetics using cytological and molecular methods.
The scientific works carried out in the chair in previous years were devoted to the study of cell embryology and genetics of crops, wild Poaceae of Armenia, spontaneous and hidden mutagenesis, microbial genetics, human genetics, and cell genetics.
Currently, the Chair conducts research in the following directions: evaluation of genome lesions in vitro, in vivo, and silico, radiation genetics, genomics of native varieties of RA grapes, paleobotanical analysis of archaeological heritage in the territory of RA, and genotoxicity assessment of environmental pollutants.
The professors of the chair are involved in international and local grant programs and are authors of educational manuals, monographs, and scientific articles, which are mainly published in periodicals with a high impact factor.
The Master's educational programs offered by the chair are: "Genomics and medical cell genetics" and "General and molecular genetics", and also the undergraduate educational program "Biology" is implemented with the participation of the chair.
Head of the chair, professor
Associate professor
Associate professor
Associate professor
Senior laboratory assistant
Senior laboratory assistant
Lecturer on an hourly basis