General information
The aim of this project is to model and theoreticaly investigaye electronic and optical properties of new type of structures from colloidal quantum dots (CQD). Currently there are many reports that such structures can have huge applications in photovoltaic devices such as solar cells, lightemitting diodes, photodetectors etc. The first objective of the project will be modeling core-shell, core-shell-shell CQDs from many different materials and to study their electronic and optical characteristics in order to choose the best candidates for photovoltaic applications. The second objective is to study electronic and optical properties of various CQD structures such as 2D or 3D CQD superlattices and CQD molecules. Finally the last objective of the project is to create computer models of photovoltaic devices using considered CQD structures as basic elements and to simulate their properties such as absorption spectra, generation and recombination rates, VoltAmpere characteristics etc.