General information
The proposed project is devoted to the study of the laser induced coherent phenomena of inelastic diffraction and quantum modulation of electrons in free-free transitions (when the momentum conservation law is satisfied due to a third body), as well as the phenomenon of high harmonic generation (HHG) in solid-state atomic nanostructures. We consider graphene-like nanostructures for HHG (quantum dots), since such materials have a fundamental advantage over other atomic systems, due to their incredibly large nonlinear interaction parameter. These phenomena occur in principally different conditions/systems, nevertheless they have generalities (along with their peculiarities), which, in addition to their academic significance, lead to applications such as the creation of coherent ensembles of matter-particles (electrons, atoms), implementation of powerful X-ray/gamma-ray lasers, realization of attosecond pulses towards the Attophysics, for which the Nobel Prize was awarded in this year.