General information
The presented scientific topic is of a source study nature. The task of the scientific group is to study the archives of the famous Armenologist, art critic, doctor of philosophy, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Garegin Hovsepyan. Garegin Hovsepyan is one of the famed figures in Armenian reality at the end of the XІX - first half of the XX century, and left a rich archival heritage (the number of archival documents exceeds 10 thousand). The research group believes that studying the archival heritage left by Garegin Hovsepyan is a historiographical necessity. The study of this archival heritage will certainly strengthen the source base of the history of the Armenia of the end of the XІX - first half of the XX century, and will also reveal new facts and realities related to the scientific activity of the famous Armenologist.
Foreign Partner
Claire (Seda) Mouradyan - Doctor of History, CNRS National Center for Scientific Research, Paris