General information
The aim of the presented project is to carry out taxonomic and ecological comprehensive studies of macromycetes diversity in some SPNAs of Armenia, DNA barcoding of selected species, to identify and preserve valuable and applied strains of some macrofungi. DNA barcoding of rare, valuable, selected fungi will be conducted for the first time in SPNAs of Armenia. To determine the species of fungi, it is necessary to carry out molecular genetic research and to establish the phylogenetic connections of local populations. Micro- and macromorphological studies of the collected and identified fungi will be performed. During the implementation of the project, new and valuable mushroom species will be discovered, their DNA barcoding will be carried out, and genetic diversity, phylogeny and phylogeography will be characterized. These researches and cooperation with foreign partner will create a basis for developing and establishing DNA barcoding center of fungi in RA, which will be a prerequisite for Armenia to be the center of fungi barcoding in the Caucasus. For the first time, an international online register of fungi will be created and a lyophilized bank of mycelial cultures of rare, endangered and valuable species of selected fungi will be implemented.
Foreign Partner
Krisai-Greilhuber Irmgard - Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research University of Vienna