General information
Serotonin – 5-hydroxytriptamine is known as one of the important neuromediators in central nervous system, as well as a vasoconstrictor in blood serum and enteramine, which is produced by enterochromaffin cells in intestine mucosa. The part of serotonin, produced in intestines, contributes to self-control of intestinal peristalsis. In our brain, serotonin regulates the level of wakefulness, as well as it has a major role in cognition processes – sensual perception, emotions, etc. In the case of deviations of its normal amounts, unipolar depression and serotonin syndrome appear. Serotonin directly binds to H3 histone – weakening the condensation effect of the latter as well. It allows the opening and expression of wrapped DNA in this region. Besides, it interacts with DNA molecule, behaving itself as an intercalator. In the presented project, it is planned to study in vitro interaction of serotonin with H3 histone and DNAs with various GC-content to receive the entire information about interaction mechanisms. The DNAs selected for this study include DNA from Clostridium perfringens with a GC-content of 32%, DNA from Micrococcus lysodeikticus with a GC-content of 72%, and DNA from calf thymus with a GC-content of 42%. The histone protein chosen for this study is Histone H3.
Foreign Partner
Kirakosyan Ara Benik, Northern Michigan University, USA