General information
The study of relations between the states of the South Caucasus and Middle East regions is an interesting and relevant topic, conditioned by a number of factors: historical development, conflicts, political and economic interests, expanding and deepening relations, and so on. The project aims to study the impact of regional conflicts on the formation and development of relations between the states of the South Caucasus and the Middle East. The necessary data for the research will be collected through the study of primary and secondary sources, literature related to the topic, expert interviews, and archival research. The research will be conducted using comparative-historical methods, as well as a comparative foreign policy analysis framework. The group aims to study the topic and find answers to research questions with a new approach, to reveal new layers, and to make its contribution to the study of relations between the states of the two regions.
Foreign Partner
Sanikidze Giorgi, Doctor of Sciences, Director of the G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies, Ilia State University