Erasmus+ is the EU's largest education, training, youth, and sports program, with a first phase running from 2014 to 2020 and a second phase running until 2027.
In the 2021-2027 period, Erasmus+ will provide more than €26.2 billion to promote mobility and cooperation.
Countries that are not yet members of the EU have the opportunity to participate in a number of Erasmus+ actions as "non-associated third countries" (formerly partner countries).
Armenia is an Erasmus+ "non-associated third country" and is eligible to participate in the actions listed below.
learning mobility of individuals (OP 1),
cooperation between organizations and institutions (OP 2),
support for policy development and cooperation (OP 3),
Jean Monnet actions.
Detailed information about the program can be found in the Erasmus+ Program Guide or at:
"Establishing a national framework of key performance indicators (KPIs) for the proper management and quality of inclusive, digital and green-oriented higher education in Armenia" (KPI4HE) project aims to improve the management of the higher education system and the strategic planning of universities.
Details can be found on the project website.
The T4GREEN project aims at reforming teacher education in Armenia and Moldova enabling the shift from traditional to future-oriented curricula and teaching methods towards attainment of the national goals of general education and supporting green and digital transition.
T4 GREEN project kick-off conference.
T4GREEN project Facebook page.
The T-GREEN project addresses the need to reform graduate education in Armenia in support of the Green Deal, enabling the shift from traditional to future-oriented, green, and interdisciplinary curricula, promoting student mobility, and designing collaborative degree implementation schemes.
Official website of the T-GREEN project․
CLUVEX (Climate University for Virtual Exchanges; 2023-2026) is a three-year project implemented by four universities in Finland, Denmark, Ukraine, and Armenia, together with a non-profit association of arts and sciences based in Finland.
CLUVEX’s thematic areas are “climate action, environment, and nature protection”, “environment and climate change” and “green skills”. CLUVEX organizes virtual seminars and facilitates the participation of university students in the Climate University MOOCs.
Official website of the ClUVEX project.
Jopscip project will indirectly address the priorities of digital transformation and sustainable growth and jobs through enhancing digital literacy and providing European-quality education in Political Science (PS) to ensure labor market proximity in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries.
Specific objectives of the project are to design an innovative curriculum and management mechanisms for a joint MA program in PS among EaP countries via European Approach for Accreditation of JP (Bologna Declaration, Yerevan 2015). The developed Joint Program (JP) will comply with EU quality standards and acquire accreditation for the joint MA program in PS on international and national levels through Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria) and national quality assurance agencies in partner countries.
More details about the program are here.
Official website of the JOPSCIP project
ReGard is a three-year project that aims to create a green and sustainable environment that will improve educational quality and progress for undergraduate students in Armenia and Moldova.
Twelve universities from five countries participate in the project.
Information about the project kick-off meeting here.
Development of post-university interdisciplinary educational programs in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan and strengthening of research networks in the field of global information technologies 2021-2024 ("GEOTAK") project.
Official website of the project.
TOPAS aims at filling the gap within a common former Soviet-inherited agricultural sciences higher education system in these countries and practical training in real working environments to provide a better match between job market needs and the qualifications offered.
Project's official website here:
Creation of the "Armenian Network of Excellence in Bio-products Science and Technology" (ABioNet) of "Erasmus+ KA2"
Project's official here.
The transformation of doctoral education in Armenia in line with the requirements of the academic industry and current EU practices (ARMDOCT)
Project's official here.
The project is aimed at the creation of postgraduate programs in public health and social work at partner universities, contributing to the integration of medical and social approaches in the regulation of public health issues.
Project's official here.
The general goals of the Modest project are to expand the level of cooperation in postgraduate studies between higher education institutions of partner countries in the European Higher Education and Research Platform.
More information here.
MINERVA project aims to contribute to the implementation of the basic principles of accessible science in the universities of Moldova and Armenia. Public science, innovation, and openness to the world are some of the main targets of the research and innovation strategy in the European Research Area (ERA).
Project's official here.
The project is aimed at solving one of the main tactics of higher education, which is the development and innovation of teaching and learning methods, as well as the introduction of new technologies into the teaching process. In the modern world, this is also a major problem in the global system of higher education.
Project's official website.
The project consists of 16 universities: four from the participating countries (Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, and Italy), four from Kazakhstan, four from the Republic of Armenia, four from Israel, as well as two stakeholders in the relevant field: 1 from Kazakhstan, the other from Israel, and one from the ECM spin-off company based in Germany.
Project's official website.
The purpose of the "C3QA" project is to develop and test a policy concept and toolkit for quality assurance of 3rd-degree education, particularly postgraduate programs, as well as practical mechanisms and procedures, which will be further implemented in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Ukraine.
Project's official website.
On July 10-14, the international workshop of The Erasmus+ CBHE project "Transforming Graduate Education for Green and Sustainable Future" funded by the European Union was held at the International Hellenic University (Greece).