Historian, philologist, economist
Avdalbekyan was born on October 3, 1885. in Maku, Persia, where he received his primary education. In 1907, he graduated from Gevorgyan Seminary. Until 1913, Avdalbekyan was a teacher at the same educational institution.
From 1921-1922, he worked in Armenian Publishing house. In 1921, he was invited to lecture at YSU. Avdalbekyan taught the history of Armenian public thought and the history of economic development in the faculties of social sciences and history, held the position of deputy dean of the faculty of social sciences, and was a member of the university board. In 1925, he also taught in Yerevan elementary school.
From 1926-1930, Avdalbekyan was a member of the Institute of Science and Art of Armenia. Then he engaged in literary-scientific work, creating a number of original and lasting works, among which are "Two Currents of the Armenian Liberation Movement at the End of the 18th Century" and "Shahamir Shahamiryan and the Indo-Armenian Communal Autonomy in the 18th Century". Among his works are the studies devoted to the literary heritage of greats of Armenian literature, such as Kh. Abovyan, M. Nalbandian, Hovh. Tumanyan, Muratsan, and Tokhmakhyan.

Avdalbekyan’s economic research referred to the history of the economic development of Armenia: "The wages of an Armenian construction worker and a peasant woman in the 5th century", "A secret in the Armenian stone inscriptions and its significance for the history of the economic development of Armenia" (Yerevan, 1927), the theory of economics: "Karl Marx the theory of economic development" (Yerevan, 1926) and other issues.
He took an active part in the creation of the "New Russian-Armenian Dictionary" published in 1934-1935 and also compiled the "Dictionary of Russian-Armenian Economic Terms" (Yerevan, 1964). Avdalbekyan is also popular with his translation activities.
He was arrested on July 26, 1937, on charges of counter-revolutionary activities. The shooting verdict was passed on December 28, 1937.
In 1955, Avadlbekyan was acquitted.