December 12, 2023 | 16:05
International cooperation
Grant programs stimulating the development of research direction at YSU
A poster exhibition was held at the Faculty of Biology of YSU, the purpose of which was to present the results of scientific research conducted in the faculty within the framework of the grant programs of the Higher Education and Science Committee of RA MoESCS to the employees and students of the university.
40 grant programs are implemented in the faculty, within the framework of which many scientific studies are carried out. The term of implementation of each program is a maximum of 5 years. At the poster exhibition, the Faculty of Biology presented the results of the scientific studies carried out during 2-3 years.
YSU Rector Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, Dean of YSU Faculty of Biology Karen Ghazaryan and Heads of Chairs made a tour, studying the participants' research works, the results and discussing innovations in the field.
Employees, postgraduate and graduate students included in the grant program talked about their research studies pointing out the results.
Karen Ghazaryan, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Candidate of Biological Sciences, referring to the active participation in grant programs, emphasized, "The Faculty of Biology participates in almost all grant programs related to the field. The activity participation in the programs has been recorded especially in the last 2 years, since the funding of the Higher Education and Science Committee of the RA MoESCS in the field of science has increased dramatically, which has allowed the faculty specialists to be actively involved in the programs, raising the quality of scientific research works to a new level.
Karen Ghazaryan emphasized that within the framework of the grant programs, scientific research works are carried out in YSU in accordance with international standards, and the best indicators of the results are published scientific articles. Their number has increased by 42% in two years. Only in the 2022-2023 academic year, within the framework of the grant programs, the faculty published 110 scientific articles, 64 of which were published in high-impact international scientific databases. The Dean noted that the articles published in international scientific periodicals prove the high level of research carried out at YSU.
Specialists included in the scientific groups of the programs were sent abroad on business trips and participated in various international conferences. 101 employees of the faculty participated in international conferences abroad, and 70 employees presented a report.
Postgraduate student of the Chair of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Gohar Margaryan, emphasizing the opportunity to be involved in the programs, assured that it was a good experience to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. "The subject of our research concerns the problem of soil salinization, which also exists in RA, especially in the Ararat Plain. We have proposed different methods and ways to solve the problem through laboratory and field research, studies. Such programs are a great incentive and motivation to work in the direction of science. I express my gratitude for the opportunity and support that contributes to achieving success in the field of science."
Ani Harutyunyan, scientific researcher and senior laboratory assistant at the Chair of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Biotechnology, referring to the activities carried out within the framework of grant programs, noted that each research work is aimed at increasing the efficiency of both the educational and scientific components.
From the point of view of the development of science and education, the establishment and strengthening of cooperation ties with leading scientific and educational institutions abroad, as well as the exchange of experience, the role of scientific research programs is significant.
Scientific consultants from abroad included in the scientific groups of the grant programs are famous specialists with contributions to the field of science. They must stay and work in Armenia for a certain period (15-30 days) during the implementation of the project. Foreign specialists, visiting YSU within the framework of research, organize seminars and courses for students and professors, contributing to the development of the scientific and educational components of the educational process.
Graduate and postgraduate students are included in major programs, and 3rd-year undergraduate students and included in some programs taking into account their progress and desire. Thanks to being included in those programs, many of the graduate and postgraduate students are already teaching at the faculty. The number of employees under the age of 36 in the Faculty of Biology has doubled compared to previous years, which has contributed to the rejuvenation of the faculty staff.
It should be noted that in August of this year to re-equip the material-technical base, the faculty participated in the competition "Providing financial support for the modernization of the material-technical base of scientific departments" announced by the Higher Education and Science Committee of the RA MoESCS, and was recognized as the winner with 4 applications submitted. As a result, the process of purchasing a number of equipment is already in process. Thanks to similar programs, the faculty receives modern equipment, which provides an opportunity to develop the scientific research direction.
As a result of grant programs, not only scientific research studies but also the development, improvement, reform and modernization of certain courses of educational programs are carried out.