January 15, 2024 | 11:52
Research centers and institutes
New opportunities for temperature measurements in the field of physics at YSU
According to YSU's strategic development plan, the following objectives are set: improvement of laboratory infrastructures and enrichment of laboratories with modern equipment, the solution of which is aimed at improving the educational environment and developing innovative research and science. The project of equipping YSU Optoelectronics and Photonics Research Laboratory with state-of-the-art new equipment is aimed at the realization of these goals.
Within the framework of the competition "Providing financial support for the modernization of the material-technical base of scientific departments" announced by the Higher Education and Science Committee of the RA MoESCS, the university will receive a controlled temperature chamber, which will provide the opportunity to perform measurements in accordance with international standards in the field of physics and to solve competitive problems. It will contribute to the improvement of the quality of the scientific research works performed in the laboratory and the results presented in various international conferences and journals with high scientific rankings.
The equipment will provide the opportunity to conduct studies and measurements in the temperature range from -190°C to +300°C. Emphasizing the necessity of re-equipment and modernization of the laboratory, Gevorg Gevorgyan, a senior researcher at the Optoelectronics and Photonics Research Laboratory, informed that in the past they had temperature controller devices (for example, thermostats), but their accuracy and stability were insufficient, and at present, they are inoperable for conducting measurements. "To carry out research and complete measurements in accordance with international standards, the presence of such equipment in the laboratory is mandatory."
One of the best American companies in the world, which specializes in the preparation of scientific, laboratory equipment, will make the equipment by special order.
"The controlled temperature chamber will be specially designed based on our requirements. Our scientific group discussed the standards for the equipment with the company's employees. It is planned that the controlled temperature chamber will reach the laboratory in the next 4-5 months, taking into account the whole process," G. Gevorgyan added.
Researchers at the Optoelectronics and Photonics Research Laboratory are studying liquid crystalline elastomers. The new equipment, the controlled temperature chamber, is designed specifically for studying the optical, mechanical and elastic properties of liquid crystals. In order to understand their further application possibilities, it is also necessary to record temperature dependence, to know the changes in properties that occur at different temperatures. The researcher of the laboratory mentioned from the point of view of practical application it is mandatory to make measurements at different temperatures when creating something new. Thanks to the equipment, it is possible to automatically apply force to the elastomer, measure the force and conduct an optical study of the property.
Referring to the application of the equipment and the involvement of students in these studies, G. Gevorgyan said, "Trained specialists will have the opportunity to work with the equipment, as there are components that require compliance with special safety rules. Under the supervision of specialists and researchers, students may also be included in laboratory research, performing several studies within the framework of graduation theses and master's theses."
Researchers noted that the Optoelectronics and Photonics Research Laboratory plans to cooperate with other laboratories of YSU and will provide them with the system for making measurements if necessary to study the temperature dependence of materials.
It should be noted that the American specialists preparing the equipment plan to conduct a two-day online training for the laboratory's researchers, which will provide them with the opportunity to master the skills of using the equipment and the safety rules.