January 29, 2024 | 15:08
Engineering through the eyes of Elen Mnatsakanyan
At YSU, students acquire a wealth of knowledge and accumulate general and professional skills and experience. On the way to accumulate professional skills, YSU student Elen Mnatsakanyan is involved in a number of research and educational programs.
Elen Mnatsakanyan, 4th-year student of the "Telecommunications and Signal Processing" educational program of YSU Institute of Physics, choosing engineering as a profession, wants to break stereotypes and show that women may also become skilled professionals in the field.
During the interview with us, she talked about her professional successes, student life and her involvement in volunteer work.
Elen, why did you choose engineering as a profession?
I think that the engineering profession is "fantastic" since every second you can discover something new, falling in love with the profession over and over again. After comparing the professional and educational programs, the opportunities and activities of different universities, I made a final decision to apply to YSU. I have always been interested in natural sciences subjects and thought in what field I could apply my knowledge of mathematics and physics. After considering different options I realized that in this respect the engineering profession is close to my heart.
There is a widespread view that only men can become engineers, therefore the number of females in our field is small. Females, considering the difficulties, are afraid to choose this profession. Indeed, engineering contains quite challenging elements, including having knowledge of quantum electronics. Most of the people are not aware of what the engineering profession entails without studying it in depth. I want to break this stereotype since the job of an engineer knows no gender. I always proudly speak about being an engineer by profession.
Along with education, you worked in a number of institutions. Will you tell us about your work activity?
Since my first year of studying, I have been involved in various programs and activities, but I would like to especially mention that I have been working on a voluntary basis for 3 years at the School of Knowledge after Gevorg Arshakyan operating in YSU Student Activity Center. I am also very active as a student. I was elected the Head of the Scientific and Educational Commission of the Faculty Student Council and organized many competitions and games.
I worked as an engineer at the "Innovative Center of Nanoscience and Technologies" of the Institute of Chemical Physics, RA National Academy of Sciences. I conducted a number of research studies and analyzed the results. When the chemists and physicists had their part of the research completed, I was taking the substance, examining it with several devices to understand its color, shape, appearance, density, and other properties. Then, with the help of senior specialists, we were analyzing what we obtained, what we need to obtain, what is the difference between them, what needs to be changed, etc.
What is the role of YSU in building your professional path?
- You never feel alone at YSU, success always "walks" next to you here. I have not felt alone either in my professional or social activities. Every idea can be realized with the support of lecturers since they inspire and join your initiative.
I learned to create in science. I can say that during these 4 years, YSU has supported me along the way. At YSU, we not only study but also obtain and develop high human qualities.
Elen, what are your plans for the future in the field of education and science?
My main goal is to join the ranks of the best specialists in the field, so I will definitely continue my education in a master's program. I am sure that by developing my professional knowledge and skills, I will achieve many successes. And I would like to advise applicants who want to choose our profession not to hesitate, to believe in dreams and even thoughts that may seem crazy since YSU provides all opportunities to ensure the active involvement of students in scientific, educational and research activities.