November 22, 2024 | 11:00
Student life
Scientific research is the basis for a student’s professional growth – Nane Ordyan
The purpose of receiving professional knowledge and excelling in her field, the desire to become an experienced specialist led Nane Ordyan to YSU Faculty of Economics and Management. Alongside her university studies, she conducts research and explores the stock market.

Nane is involved in the Student Scientific Society (SSS) at the faculty and has already recorded notable achievements, specializing in the study of various economic fields.
YSU Serving as the Cornerstone of Shaping Professional Path
Since our first day at university, lecturers have inspired us, imparted essential knowledge, and introduced us to the interesting scope of research and the necessary skills to conduct it. Undoubtedly, this knowledge, along with the skills to apply it in practice and continually improve, is of pivotal importance for every student. For me, the establishment of warm and productive relationships with both my fellow students and the teaching staff is the greatest achievement. Our lecturers not only share their knowledge but also guide and support us in every aspect.
Scientific Studies and Competitions as Pillars of Student Achievement
In my second year at university, after joining the SSS, I started working on compiling a scientific article with my fellow student Zina Ghazaryan, under the supervision of Professor Aram Arakelyan from the Faculty of Economics and Management. The article titled "Regional Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emissions", is a product of our dedicated effort and hard work, and will be published in a scientific journal. I had the privilege of presenting this article at the international conference titled "Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Econometrics and Simulation of Real Processes".

Recently, I participated in the competition "Armenia in the EEU", where I was fortunate to secure third place. My knowledge gained at the university, particularly in "International Economics" and "Econometrics", played a crucial role in my success in the competition. By analyzing time series, I chose to evaluate the outcomes of integration policies. Conducting the research was an interesting experience, where I presented the impact of economic integration policies on Armenia's economy based on the study of macroeconomic time series. The competition was aimed at raising awareness among students about the topic through scientific research work.
I have always been interested in various competitions and events, as participating in them provides opportunities to develop new skills, build friendships, and hear the opinions and feedback of industry experts.
New Horizons for Professional Growth
I am interested in the stock market and wish to combine my studies in this field with conducting scientific research. I am exploring both traditional and relatively new branches of economics, which will serve as fertile ground for carrying out new research and generating fresh ideas.
Nane plans to conduct studies that will allow her to explore the areas of economics in greater depth, in which she aims to specialize. She is convinced that she is ready to continue along this exciting path, which is guided by Yerevan State University, creating opportunities for professional growth and development.