December 13, 2024 | 14:35
Job seekers and employers on the same platform: Evaluating the effectiveness of the career fair
Yerevan State University and Eurasia International University organized a career fair titled "New Career Opportunities and Perspectives" as part of the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s (AGBU) "Learn and Earn: Artsakh" program. The main objectives of this initiative were to support the socio-economic integration of individuals forcibly displaced from Artsakh to Armenia, enhance their competitiveness in the labor market, and address employment challenges.

The fair provided a unified platform for meetings between employers and job seekers, as well as educational events aimed at improving job search skills and roundtable discussions on existing issues and challenges.

Mikayel Hovhannisyan, Vice-Rector for Development and Innovation at YSU, emphasized the significance of the program and noted that YSU would continue to support individuals displaced from Artsakh through various initiatives. "The high level of engagement and interest shown by both employers and job seekers showed that the program is indeed in demand and has been organized at the right time. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of the program's initiators and implementers, we have successfully held four comprehensive and effective career fairs."
Each of the four career fairs involved around 30 employers and up to 800 participants.
Karine Nazaryan, Deputy Director of YSU Alumni and Career Center, highlighted that success stories have already emerged from these career fairs, which are key indicators of the program's effectiveness.
"We have also provided individual consultations to participants who, due to the nature of their professions, did not receive job offers. We have collected their data to discuss with YSU employers how to address their employment issues and provide career growth opportunities," K. Nazaryan emphasized.

Haykuhi Gevorgyan, Director of the AGBU’s program "Learn and Earn: Artsakh", expressed satisfaction with the program, stating, "I am pleased to say that, perhaps not even a month has passed, but we already have Artsakh residents who have found employment through the previous career fairs."
The career fair has been held in three editions as part of the program, offering job seekers opportunities to receive job offers from employers and participate in various projects aimed at becoming competitive professionals in the labor market.
The "Learn and Earn: Artsakh" program, implemented by AGBU, is funded by the HEKS/EPER organization, in collaboration with SHEN CNGO and the Syunik-Development NGO.
For more details, watch the coverage.