January 27, 2025 | 14:30
YSU scientist achieves over 1,300 scientific articles in Scopus
Science serves as the driving force behind innovation, with scientists opening new horizons in their respective fields. Through their work, they ensure the continuous progress of technology and the ongoing pursuit of groundbreaking discoveries. One such scientist is Armen Tumasyan, a senior researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Physics, Yerevan State University. He has co-authored over 1300 scientific articles published in the international scientific database Scopus.

For Armen Tumasyan, science is not only about experimental work but also the driving force behind innovation.
What is a person like who works in the field of science? What inspires them, and what are the greatest challenges they face? We discussed these and other questions with Armen Tumasyan.
- Mr. Tumasyan, how did your journey in the field of science begin? Who or what inspired you?
- My first professional steps in the field of science were made within the framework of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which has been the focus of my work to this day. I began working on this project in 2007 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna, Russia), where I worked and studied as part of my master's education in 2007-2008.
In general, the environment itself was inspiring and motivating. There was a large working group for the CMS project with many contemporary challenges, including the search for the Higgs boson within the newly constructed LHC CMS experiment, which at the time had not yet been discovered. The scale of this project, of course, could not leave anyone indifferent. This marked the beginning of my scientific career, which continued at A.I. Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory (Institute of Physics, Yerevan) since 2009, initially as a PhD student and, since 2012, as a researcher. Since 2018, I have also been teaching and working part-time at YSU Institute of Physics.
- What is your greatest motivation in your scientific work?
- For every person engaged in scientific activity, there is a common answer to this question—discovering and exploring the unknown. In my case, the focus is on the study of the fundamental properties of matter. In the CMS experiment, these studies are conducted through interactions of protons or nuclei at very high energies, with the aim of confirming or disproving our understanding and predictions about nature at the most fundamental level. These issues are inherently interesting and serve as a significant source of motivation.
In addition to scientific motivation, there is another source: such large-scale projects serve as driving forces for technological advancement, providing us with innovative detectors, cutting-edge computational and analytical methods, new limits of capabilities, new communication modes, and more. Such projects offer a unique opportunity to engage with these technologies, and the process of mastering them, as well as their applications in solving other problems (not only in science), also serve as a significant source of motivation and, in many cases, a considerable challenge.
- How many articles have you published in Scopus, and what areas do your research focus on?
- I have co-authored over 1300 articles, of which about 15 are individual publications or publications with small working groups, while the majority are CMS collaboration articles. The scientific result obtained within the framework of international collaboration (which in this case is the article) is considered to be collective, belonging to all partners involved. This is due to the fact that such projects involve numerous researchers, engineers, technicians, and students. Without the collective and sustained effort of the approximately 3,000 co-authors, to which I also contribute consistently, no scientific result would have been achieved.
This collaborative work is a multi-layered and multi-profile activity, ranging from ensuring the seamless operation of the detector and data recording to data processing, qualification, modeling, and so on. Therefore, as a full-fledged and conscientious member of the collaboration, I have contributed to approximately 1300 publications. However, what is important to me are the CMS publications that reflect not only the general activities but also the research outcomes, in which I have contributed specifically as a researcher. The number of such publications constitutes a very small fraction of the total, yet I consider these to be my own publications.
In recent years, the primary focus of my research has been the search for the Higgs boson in various rare processes. These studies provide an opportunity to form a comprehensive understanding of the Higgs boson and its characteristics. Some of the work is dedicated to research beyond the so-called Standard Model, aimed at testing certain well-known models within the CMS experiment (such as the hypothesis of dark matter existence). Certain efforts have been directed towards testing the well-established components of the Standard Model, such as measuring asymmetries in the Drell-Yan process.
Additionally, I have also been involved in another international project within the SPD experiment at the NICA collider (Dubna, Russia). This is also a large-scale project aimed at studying the mechanism of spin formation or the intrinsic momentum of colorless hadrons. Together with the working group formed here, we are developing particle cluster reconstruction algorithms, based on our experience at CMS and utilizing machine learning methods.
- What challenges do you face when conducting research? In your opinion, what professional qualities should a scientist possess to overcome obstacles and achieve success in the field of science?
- The challenges encountered during professional activities are primarily the various problems we work on solving. To overcome them, persistence and diligence are essential.
Regarding the challenges faced within the CMS collaboration, the primary one is the task of forming a motivated working group. It is impossible to make progress alone in our field. Although we have ample opportunities for various collaborations, it is crucial to have a strong team on site. Currently, we have a fairly solid and established team that is engaged in active work. However, it is necessary to expand the scope of collaboration, and the key prerequisite for this is a flow of well-prepared and motivated students.
- What new projects or research programs are you currently involved in?
- Recently, I have started working on the SPD (NICA) project, where I also serve as the chairman of the collaboration board.
In the past two years, our scientific group has begun a new collaboration with Fermilab (Chicago, USA), focused on the development and testing of next-generation semiconductor detectors for precise time and coordinate measurements. This is a very promising research direction, one that is entirely new to us but has already become a priority for our team.
- What do you think is necessary to succeed and establish oneself in the professional field?
- I don’t know, perhaps I’ll find out when I achieve success. But until then, hard work and patience.
- What are your favorite hobbies?
- Movies, chess, football. Nothing particularly unusual.
- Is there any advice that has been crucial in your life, and would you like to share it with readers?
- Yes: "Do not assume that people need your advice."