February 05, 2025 | 15:10
YSU master’s student participates in one of the world’s largest conferences
When a young scientist gets the opportunity to participate in one of the world’s largest conferences, it is not only a personal achievement but also a significant accomplishment for the scientific community of the university. Gor Chalayan, a second-year master's student at YSU Institute of Physics and an engineer at the Research Laboratory of Optoelectronics and Photonics, is the first master’s student from Armenia to participate in such a conference.

The SPIE Photonics West, delving into innovations in optics and photonics, was held in San Francisco, USA. It is considered one of the largest conferences in the world on an annual basis, with around 20,000 participants and over 100 scientific sessions. Gor Chalayan shares how he became a participant in this scientific event, the topic of his presentation, and what the conference meant for him.
New Step Toward International Scientific Community
Upon learning about the conference, Gor Chalayan realized that it was a unique opportunity to explore the innovations in the field and present his research. He carried out his research with the guidance of Aram Saharyan, Head of the Theoretical Physics Laboratory at YSU, and decided to present it on an international platform.

According to him, in order to participate in the conference, it was necessary to submit a thesis of the research, which underwent expert evaluation. The relevance, methodology, and scientific significance of the research were taken into account. Gor’s research met the high standards of the conference, and he became the first master's student from Armenia to present his work at this conference.
Speaking about the importance of the conference, Gor highlights that it was not only a unique opportunity to learn about scientific findings in the field but also to interact with research groups and scientists. He states that the conference, with its scale and professional level, can be considered a significant step toward the international scientific community.
Scientific Research - Path to New Horizons
The most important part of the conference was presenting the scientific report. Gor Chalayan mentions that his report, titled "Radiation Of Surface Polaritons By Annular Beams In Cylindrical Waveguides", was oral, meaning that he not only had to present his research but also answer questions from the audience and engage in discussions.
He emphasizes that most of the works presented at the conference focused on those areas of photonics that have a significant impact on technological development. In this regard, his research on the field of radiation attracted considerable interest among specialists.
According to him, large-scale conferences are of great importance for professional development. They provide an opportunity to interact with leading scientists in the field, understand the direction of research activities in different countries, and see which problems researchers prioritize.

The Importance of Upholding the Reputation of Armenia and YSU
Gor Chalayan also emphasizes the importance of representing Armenia and YSU at such conferences. He believes that Armenia, being a small country, has great potential in the field of science, and the participation of Armenian researchers in such large-scale events is not only a personal achievement but also an opportunity to increase the country's recognition in the scientific community.
He notes that after participating in this conference, new ideas have emerged that will be realized in future initiatives. Gor also plans to continue his scientific work within the framework of international collaborations, which will pave a way for the development of research directions in Armenia.
In conclusion, he adds that participating in such conferences is a valuable experience for young researchers. The master's student from YSU advises students to be proactive, confident, and strive to present their work on international platforms.