March 23, 2023 | 14:38
The skills of the Undergraduate student to apply the knowledge acquired within the scope of the given profession, to raise the problems related to the professional field, and to propose their solutions are reflected in the final paper.
The final paper is an individual and summative component of the Bachelor's educational program, which has theoretical and/or applied significance. The preparation and defense of the work are carried out in the 8th semester in the case of full-time education and the 10th semester in the case of distance learning.
The preparation of the final work for the bachelor's degree is done under the guidance of the supervisor. All Undergraduate students must have prescribed final paper topics and supervisors by the end of the seventh (9th in the case of distance learning) semester.
The pre-defense of the final work is held with the participation of the heads of the department and the Bachelor's educational program, as well as the supervisor of the student's final paper.
In case of detection of plagiarism during the pre-defense, a corresponding protocol is drawn up, which is submitted to the commission for final attestation, and in case of detection of plagiarism during the public defense, the work is evaluated as unsatisfactory.
The work is evaluated on a 20-point system according to the established criteria and their corresponding standards.
Only those members of the final attestation committee who were present during the entire defense of the student's work evaluate the graduation work of the Undergraduate student. The evaluation results of the final attestation committee are published immediately after the defense in the presence of students.
After the publication of grades, the Chair of the commission asks about the existence of complaints. If the graduate has a complaint, he/she applies to the Chair of the committee. The appeal is considered if there are violations of the procedural provisions of the final attestation procedure of the graduates of institutions implementing RA higher professional educational programs.
After receiving the application, the Chair of the commission presents to the graduate the results of the evaluation of the commission members according to the established criteria and standards. In the case of detection of errors in the implementation of procedures and the calculation and summarization of evaluation points during the assessment process, the committee:
a) Changes the student's grade if the detected violation or error affected the grade result,
b) Does not change the assessment, if the error or defect did not affect the assessment result,
c) Cancels the results of the defense, if there are serious violations of the procedure for the final attestation of graduates of institutions implementing RA higher professional educational programs, and immediately organizes a new defense.
Dear students, we wish you success during the defense of your final papers.